Revisiting the Past.

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As I drove I explained to Gellert what my dad had been on about before we left
"Now do you understand?" I ask
"Enough, I still think its pointless" Gellert says
"I suppose" I agree
"Where are we going? Gellert asks,as I stop at a red light
"Just driving around and enjoying being alone together" I tell him.

"Oh I forgot to say,if you start to feel sick-tell me" I warn
"Why would I feel sick?" Gellert asks
"This is your first time being in a car,you could suffer from travel sickness" I explain
"But I apperrate" Gellert says
"Yes and I fly on a broom,but I can still get car sick from being a passenger"I say.

"Well if something happens,I will let you know" Gellert tells me
"Good"We drove for another half an hour,until the scenery became more familiar to me" I know this place"I say quietly
"What was that?" Gellert asks
"I know this area,I grew up around here" I explain, I turn right down a road called Westgate Drive"This is where my old school is"I say.

We passed my first muggle school and then a few more minutes down the road,I pulled in
"Why did you stop?" Gellert asks looking at me
"That's the house I spent the first twelve years of my life" I tell him
"Which one?" Gellert asks
"Number 92,the red door" I say.

We sit looking at the house,I think of my childhood when the front door opens and Jeff Kingston came out.
"Oh shit" I say
"What's the matter,princess?" Gellert asks concerned
"I didn't realize Jeff and Olivia still call this place home" I say,we watch as Olivia followed Jeff out of the house and then some woman followed.

"Who is that?" Gellert asks
"No idea" I say"Quick,make it look like no one is in this car"I say to Gellert,he places his hand onto the windscreen and his hand glows blue and then nothing
"Done" Gellert says,Jeff,Olivia and the other woman stop beisde my car.

"Charlotte, you are the daughter we have always wanted" Olivia said, I got a good look at this Charlotte and see she is about my age,with brown hair that is lighter than mine and pale green eyes,she is about the same height and build as me.

"I will make you proud mother" Charlotte said,her voice is really girly.The three of them carry on down the street
"They replaced me,with a more girly clone" I say
"She is nothing like you,my love" Gellert tells me
"There is only one way to know for sure" I say determined
"Which is what?" Gellert asks
"We break into my old home."

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