Coming to an end.

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My sixth year at Hogwarts is fast ending and then no more school for a few weeks.The first thing done is the Quidditch cup with Gryffindor v Slytherin which ended in a tie because just as Potter caught the snitch I scored a goal,but the Lions won as they had more points overall.

Because I didn't take a Dueling O.W.L before I had to do one with the current year fives,so I could do the N.E.W.T for it next year.I couldn't wait to get my result.Of course Rhaena says I will pass easily because the dueling teacher is my boyfriend. But no I worked hard on my own...OK with a bit of help from Gellert.

Me and Gellert talk over our holiday plans.We agreed Gellert needs a holiday but for how long.I said for him to have three weeks away from the school and the other three at school,but Gellert didn't want to be away from me for that long.

"Come on handsome,you need this holiday" I tell him as we sit in the staff room
"But I don't want to be away from you for that long" Gellert tells me
"I know but you can still talk to me" I say
"But its not the same" Gellert complains, wrapping his arms around me"I want to hold you,kiss you and make love to you"
"Is that so bad?" I ask
"Yes it is" Gellert says.

"OK how about this take three weeks holiday,then come back spend a week with me and then back here for the rest" I suggest
"Fine but just know for the week I'm with you my love,you will not be leaving my bed or walking" Gellert says seductively into my ear
"Oh my god of mischief" I say.

The staff room door opens and beard face walks in
"What are you doing here Miss Black?"he asks
"Chilling like a villain" I say laying over Gellert,so my head is on the arm of the sofa, my back is on his lap and legs on the rest of the sofa
"Students aren't allowed in here" Albus says turning around to do something.

"What student?" Gellert says,Albus turns back and all he sees is Gellert and a black dog
"Where did Miss Black go?" Albus asks leaving,I hear Gellert laugh quietly
"I think the old man forgot your an anmigus" Gellert says to me.

I lay back down on Gellert,whilst he sits reading a book and runs his hand along my head
"If you keep doing that,I'm going to fall asleep" I say in my head
"Your enjoying it though" Gellert says
"Yes" I admit.Soon Gellert puts the book down and rest his eyes for a bit,before I fell asleep the door opens again and someone walks in.Gellert doesn't move,when the person walks over to him,I open my eyes and sit up growling at the clone infront of me.

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