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I begin Saturday as normal,got up did my morning routine,then met Matt and David in the common room and the three of us head up to the great hall for breakfast.

The three of us sat talking when I was approached by the other Slytherin prefect Draco Malfoy
"May we talk,in private?" He asks me, Matt and David share a look but say nothing
"Of course" I say,I stand up and follow Draco into the entrance hall"What do you want to talk about?"I ask
"I saw the way you spoke to Pansy,at the start of term feast" Draco says
"So Parkinson's first name is Pansy" I smirk

"Yes,I liked the way you stood up to her.Most girls are scared of her" Draco tells me
"I see no reason to fear her" I say
"You don't know her like I do" he says"I no longer want anything to do with her,but I'm not sure how to tell her"
"Just be honest with her,tell her the truth" I tell him
"Thank you, I will tell her" Draco says and returns to the great hall.

I rejoin the Slytherin table and David asks what Draco wanted,but I say I could not tell them.For the rest of the morning, I caught up on the weeks homework. After lunch I decided to take a walk around the grounds, to clear my head from all the homework.

Soon it was time to head to meet Gellert,however the moment I reentered the castle,I was confronted by David
"Chaz,just the lass I'm looking for"
"What's up,Scotsman?" I ask
"Um..I kinda need help with my potions homework" he admits
"Why not ask Matt?"
"He would laugh at me,he has already done it,and I normally finish first" David says
"Sure I'll help but not at the moment" I say.

I didn't hear what David said next,as Gellert spoke to me,in my mind
"Miss Black,where are you?"
"On my way,why?"
"I can't make it,last minute meeting,I'm sorry"
"Its OK,we can talk some other time"
"Thanks for being understanding, Charmaine"
"No problem,Gellert."

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