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Chaz's P.O.V
I stood watching as the other me began to change. The dark brown hair became lighter until it turned a bottle blonde,the eyes turned from green to light blue,she shrank about six inches in height and weight
"So you found me out" she said
"And you are?" I ask
"You stole my man" she says
"That doesn't answer my question, and you can't steal a man" I say.

"She is Morgan Carlson" Minerva says
"Who?" Gellert asks
"The hot cheerleader from Halloween" Morgan says
"Oh her" me and Gellert say
"She's the hoe that made that disgusting comment at the party,to Gellert" I say
"Why did you impersonate Miss Black?"Albus asks.

"To get him to break up with her" she points at me"Why else you bearded fool"Morgan says
"Hey there is no need for name calling" I say
"Thank you" Albus says
"Only me and Gellert can pick on Albus" I add"We mean no harm when we do"
"How did you figure me out?" Morgan asks Gellert.

"You really think I don't know my own girlfriend" he states
"I have studied her since Christmas" Morgan says
"You really do give blondes a bad name" Gellert says
"She is a bottle blonde, your platinum blonde" I say,Gellert just gives me a really look"Well she tried to Scooby Doo us,and failed ".

"Next time you want to be me,don't even try" I tell her,walking over to her"And if you try and hurt my boyfriend again,I will rip your spine out and show it to you"
"Where you the one to attack,Miss Black" Minerva asks
"No" Morgan tells her
"You could be lying" Albus says.

"She isn't" I say"If she attacked me,then she would have known I would have a scar from the spell and be able to replicate it"I explain
"That is true" Gellert says,Minerva and Albus take Morgan away
"Well that proves you do really know me so well" I say to Gellert
"Of course I do,my love".

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