Ship it.

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A/n I would like to thank KleinSchleaaaa for the ship name"Grindack and Thepinksky18 who is on qoutev for the ship name"Gellaine".

Later that day at dinner Matt had finally come up with a ship name
"I have the perfect ship name" he tells me excited
"Hit me with it then" I say
"Grindack" Matt says,I look at him confused"Its a mixture of Grindelwald and Black-Grindack"
"OK,so go and tell that to Gellert then" I say
"No way,he'd curse me" Matt says,at that moment,David joined us
"I here I told you so is in order,lass" he says
"Matt you told him?"I glare at him,Matt grins sheepishly.

"I guess he told you his ship name?"David asks
"Yes,Grindack" I say
"I have better"
"Oh brother,go ahead"
"Gellaine" David says
"You complete and utter clotpoles" I tell them
"I think there both good,actually" Matt says
"And on that bombshell, I'm leaving".

I had time until Defense against the dark arts,so I went for a walk,I hadn't gone far when a voice calls
"Hey Black" I turn and see Draco Malfoy,I stop and wait for him to join me
"What's up?" I ask
"Professor Grindelwald wants to see you" he says, that is strange normally Gellert would ask me himself
"Okay thanks,oh and do me a favor and ask out Rhaena" I say
"She likes me?" Draco asks
"Duh" I say.

"Gellert,where are you?" I ask in my head,after Draco had left
"The great hall,why?" He says
"Meet me in the entrance hall" I say.By the time I got there,Gellert was already waiting for me
"You wanted to see me" Gellert says
"Yeah,did you ask Draco Malfoy to find me and say you wanted to see me" I ask
"No,if I wanted to see you I would just ask" Gellert tells me

"Since you wasted my time here,you owe me" Gellert tells me
"I had a legitimate reason" I defend
"Come here" Gellert commands,I hesitantly approach him-not sure of what he was going to do,as his expression is unreadable. Gellert pulled me flush against his chest "Your even more beautiful up close"
"And your being cheeky" I say"You do realize we could be caught at any moment like this"
"And I care because" Gellert says,looking into my eyes
"You have really beautiful eyes" I tell him,as he kisses me.

No ones P.O.V
What Charmaine and Gellert did not notice was they where being watched by two people
"See I told you my plan would work"
"I never said it would not,I merely said what if they did not like each other"
"How could they not,they are so alike"
"If you say so Albus".

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