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Chaz's P.O.V

Me and Matt made our way to the quidditch stadium
"What plans do you have for the rest of the day?" I ask Matt as we walk
"Just spending time with David" he says"And you?"
"Same hopefully,as long as Gellert doesn't have to go to a meeting" I say
"At least you can still talk to him" Matt tells me
"True" speaking of the handsome devil,Gellert then spoke to me
"Chaz,where are you?"he asks
"On my way to Quidditch practice" I say
"Is there anyone around?" Gellert asks
"Just Matt"

With that Gellert apperated right in front of us.I smiled and Matt jumped
"Well that scared the socks off me" Matt says
"What's the matter,handsome?" I ask concerned
"Can we talk in private?" Gellert asks me
"You go ahead Matt,I will meet you there" I tell him,once Matt had left I turn back to Gellert.

"So?" I ask
"Do you remeber I told you about an ex of mine called Katharine Wood?" Gellert begins
"Yes,what about her?" I ask curiously
"Well I didn't tell you everything about her" Gellert says"Back when me and Albus were best friends, I was also going out with Katherine.What I did not know at the time was she was cheating on me...and Albus knew and didn't tell me"Gellert explains. I stand in silence,Gellert had told me all about this Katharine woman I just had no idea that she cheated.

"What the hell is wrong with that woman" I say"I can't even begin to think why she would cheat"
"Thanks"Gellert says
"And Albus not telling you,what's up with that?" I ask
"I couldn't tell you,anyway I brought it up because...she is hear today and I'm part of the group that has to show her around" Gellert says
"WHAT?which clown came up with that?" I ask

"Well as long as she does not come anywhere near me,she will be fine" I say
"Why?" Gellert asks
"Because she broke your heart,if she comes near me I will give her a verbal battering" I say
"I knew there was a reason why I love you" Gellert says,hugging me
"I love you too" I say"Know I have to go to quidditch, but we will do something together later"I say letting go of Gellert.

I arrived at the pitch and practice got underway.My mind wandered every so often,I still couldn't work out why that woman cheated on Gellert.I was chatting to Matt when he said
"Chaz,who are they?" I look where he is pointing and see a group of people
"Gellert said there are some guests here for something" I say
"Is that what he told you?" Matt inquiries
"Sort of,Gellert said that one of the women is his ex" I say
"Oh" Matt says,as I flew to help the beaters.

After practice is over the group of people made there way onto the pitch, I stood beside Matt beaters bat still in hand.A woman approaches us,she said
"Hello,I'm Katherine Wood."

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