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Gellert's P.O.V
I got up before Chaz did,today is Saturday and the day Slytherin take on Ravenclaw and I wanted to make sure Chaz did not sneak off to play.She is not currently able to play Quidditch yet,Madame Pomfrey's orders. I have just finished getting ready for the day, I only had to put on my black trench coat when I heard movement come from my bedroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom and stop,Chaz is standing there swaying
"Are you alright Princess?" I ask concerned
"I'm fine" Chaz says,she goes to step forward but falls forward onto the floor.I hurry straight to her side,she sits up and clings to me
"Cold,so very cold"
"But your boiling hot" I say, looking down at her.

She is very pale and sweaty,I put my hand on her fore head and its hot,I feel her back and its just as hot as is her chest,arms and legs
"Chaz your burning up" I say,putting her arms around her neck and picking her up,I carefully place her onto the bed
"I don't feel right" Chaz groans,before coughing. The cough is really bad and it sounds like she had a rattle in her chest.

I made a cold glass of water appear and give it to her,as she drinks it I notice that Chaz is turning green,she hastily hands the glass back to me and runs to the bathroom and emptys her stomach into the toilet. I walk into the bathroom and hold Chaz's hair out of her way and rub her back.After she is done I flush the toilet and help her back to the bed,Chaz climbs back into the bed and I look at her
"How are you feeling,my love?"

"Everything aches,my stomach feels dodgy and I'm both hot and cold" Chaz tells me,her voice is horse and her nose is blocked
"I think its safe to say that you are sick,so you are staying in bed today" I say
"But..." Chaz protests
"No buts young lady,you are staying in bed today and you are going to rest" I tell her
"Fine" Chaz pouts,I kiss her warm cheek
"Stay put and I'll come back" I say and get up to leave.

"Your coming back though?" Chaz asks me
"Of course my love" I say,I head to the hospital wing to get something to help with Chaz's stomach.Strange how we Wizards can make a potion for people with a upset stomach, but not for a cold.Next I head to the great hall even though Chaz had recently been sick,she would need to eat to regain her strength and get over her illness.

I have a feeling Chaz's friends would want to know where she is as we normally enter the great hall not long after each other.I got what I needed and headed back out the hall
"Professor?" I hear someone call,I turn and see Matt in his Quidditch robes
"Yes,Mr Smith?" I say
"Where is Chaz? She is normally with you" he asks me
"She is not feeling well,she is going to rest" I tell him.

"Tell her I'll let the other know where she is" Matt says,I nod before heading back to my room.I walk back into my bedroom and see Chaz staring at the ceiling
"I brought you something for your stomach" I say sitting beside her
"Thanks" Chaz drinks the potion and pulls a face
"Now try and get some sleep,it will help with the aches and pains"I say and kiss her on the forehead as she lays back down
"Yes Dr Gellert."Chaz says "You know I like to have my teddy bear with me when I'm sick" Chaz tells me slyly
"I can take a hint"

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