Tina and Queenie on the case.

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Albus P.O.V
Even though I told Queenie that I would not say who Gellert's girlfriend is,she decided to investigate and dragged her sister with her to help spy.

Chaz's P.O.V
Since I had agreed to spend the rest of the day with Gellert,I waited for him near to his classroom. Unfortunately I still had my dueling homework to finish.As I waited,I notice two women from the gratehall nearby acting strange-i watch them whispering quietly
"What are you watching?" A voice says behinds me
"Two strange women" I say,knowing it is Gellert behind me.Gellert looked
"It had to be Queenie and Tina"
"You know them?" I ask
"Yeah friends of mine,Tina is married to Newt Scamnder and Queenie is married to a muggle" Gellert tells me
"Cool" I say"I've got that homework you set to finish,then I'm all yours"
"Your already all mine". After my homework is done we went for a walk

Queenie's P.O.V
Me and Tina followed Gellert from the great hall,he headed to his classroom where one of his students asked for help which is normal.Eventually the girl came back out and Gellert followed.He headed outside and walked over to the forest,where he met up with someone in grey trainers, black jeans and a green hoodie. I couldn't see who they where though, then Gellert spoke
"Its nice to spend time with you alone,princess" the female said something back to him,but I couldn't hear her,it made Gellert smile whatever was said.

Gellert then kissed the female, I moved to get a better look at her
"What are you doing?" Tina whisper-yells at me
"I want to know who she is" I say,there are to many branches in my way.By the time I could see they had walked off,I saw the female has dark brown hair.We followed them back inside.Any time we seemed to get close to see who she is,they seemed even further away.

They went to the library next,we lost them for a few moments until Tina said
"Next row over" I looked and saw that Gellert had his back to us,which ment the woman is facing this way.I moved closer to see her but she must have been leaning on the shelf.They left the library soon after,climbed the stairs to the top floor,by the time they stopped and went down the corridor-me and Tina are tired
"To...many...stairs" Tina said in between breaths,we headed down the corridor and we rounded the corner,Gellert and the woman had disappeared
"We lost them" I said.

Gellert's P.O.V
Once inside the come and go room,Chaz turned to me and said
"Why are we in here?"
"To hide" I say
"Hide from who?" She asks
"Tina and Queenie have been following us all afternoon and I had to stop them from seeing who you are" I tell her
"That's explains why you changed my clothes, but why?"Chaz asks
"Because I don't need a million and one questions from Queenie".

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