Change in power.

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I am sitting in Defence Against The Dark Arts with Audie working on a essay when I get a surprise. Me and Audie are going over some facts when there is a knock on the classroom door
"Come in" Professor Lockhart calls,the door opens and a scared looking boy with light brown hair is stood there"What can I do for you?"
"Er..." The scared Hufflepuff boy stutters"The headmaster would like to...see Miss Black"he manages to say.

I feel all eyes turn to me,I stand up and walk to the door and all my friends go"ohhhh"but I ignore them.I follow the scared boy in silence for some time
"Can I go now please?" the boy asks
"Sure,I know my way" I smile at him,the boy looks up at me with green/blue eyes
"Your not like most Slytherin's are you?" He asks.

I kneel down so he is a little taller than me
"No I'm not" I tell him"I have friends in all houses,and I'm always willing to listen if people have problems "I say
" Wow"the boy says amazed
"I'm Chaz,and you?" I ask
"Nick Jones" the boy says
"Well Nick,if you ever need help or being picked on talk to me,or if you can't find me talk to a Hufflepuff girl named Audrey Belby OK" I say
"I will,thank you Chaz" Nick grins
"Your welcome little man" I stand up as Nick runs back to his own class.

I realize I am now late to see ol beard face,but I'll just explain I was doing my job as a prefect.I carry on my way to the headmaster's office-enjoying the silent corridors as everyone is in class.

I say the password and climb the stairs,only before I could knock on the door it opened, I walk in expecting to see Albus only it isn't him in his chair.The man in the chair is much more personal to me.Black booted feet rest on the desk,long legs in leather trousers follow,with a long black trench coat,and the handsome man wearing the clothes and in the headmaster's chair-is none other than Gellert Grindelwald.

"Your late,Miss Black" he said smirking
"Did you over throw the school and not tell me?" I ask approaching the desk,Gellert puts his feet on the floor and sits forward
"No I have not" Gellert says"Albus has been summoned to the ministry with Minerva,and naturally I'm in charge"
"Well sir,I'm sorry I am late" I say
"I will be punishing you" Gellert says"The only thing keeping me from jumping on you besides this desk,are all these nosy portraits "Gellert adds in my head.At his words my whole body heats up,making Gellert sit back in the chair with a smug look on his gorgeous face.

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