What next?

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Luckily for me and Gellert the ministry had sent Tina Scamander to talk to us about what had happened. We answered the questions without letting the ministry know about our relationship. The whole of the following week Gellert hardly left my side,the only times he did was when he had to teach and I have my own lessons to get to.I finally got to have that meeting with the head teacher and as of next year I will be concentrating on becoming a teacher.

Apparently there are quite a few students interested in becoming teachers when they finish school, so some time next year there will be a test to see who will become a teacher but only half the number can stay on.The students will double up with the current staff.Since I had a lesson off before lunch on Friday, I decide to go and visit Gellert even though he is teaching.

I made my way to the dueling classroom as Wolfie with a note in my mouth.The door is open so I could walk in,Gellert is at the back of the room so he has yet to see me,but when I walk into the room of first years-a few of them scream.

Gellert's P.O.V

I am sorting something's away at the back of the classroom whilst the students wrote, I didn't feel like doing a practical.For some unknown reason students began to scream,I turned around to see what is going on
"What are you screaming at?" I ask
"Wolf" some first years say scared,pointing to my desk.

I looked at my desk and sure enough sat on my desk is a familiar black wolf with green eyes.I make my way over to Wolfie,and she drops a piece of parchment onto the desk which says
'I got a free lesson so I came to see you'I smile at her
"Professor is it friendly?" Someone asks
"Yes she is friendly" I say"she is my wolf".

The lesson carried on as normal,I stayed at my desk but no one approached because of Wolfie. The lesson ended and someone said
"Lunch time" and at that,Wolfie jumped off the desk running at the first years,making them run from the room.

Chaz's P.O.V

I turned back to normal and laughed to my self
"Really princess?" Gellert asks
"No but it was fun handsome" I say walking back over to Gellert.I sat on his desk as Gellert cleared the room
"How was your meeting?" Gellert asks
"Good actually" I say.

"Apparently there are quite a few students that want to be teachers, so we have to take a test to see who will be a teacher" I explain
"So I'm going to have someone with me teaching" Gellert says coming over to me
"Well if all goes well,I will be the one teaching with you" I tell him
"Which I look forward to" Gellert says,standing in between my legs and placing his arms on my shoulders. I place my hands on his chest
"So my love I have you for the rest of the day" Gellert says,leaning in closer to me
"The let's make the most of it" I say and kiss him on the lips.

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now