Sleepy start.

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The weather started to turn cold as October wore on, Matt's birthday was fast approching,and I still had yet to find him a present.Since most people are going to Hogsmead today,I decided to sleep in.

Unfortunately it was short lived when there is a knock on the door.I got up,threw on a jumper and put on my slippers,I walked out of my bedroom and into the living space and opened the door to be greeted by my boyfriend.

"What time do you call this" I say groggy
"Well good morning to you,sleeping beauty" Gellert chuckles,walking past me and into my dorm
"Do come in" I say sarcastically
"I love the new look,its very cute" Gellert teases.I am wearing my Scooby doo slippers,blue sweatpants and my pink fuzzy jumper with Chip from beauty and the beast on it.

I sit on his lap and snuggled into him
"Cold,princess?" Gellert asks,running his hand threw my messy dark brown hair
"Very" I say
"I have a way to warm you up,but we are to early in the relationship for that" Gellert says.I didn't register what Gellert had said,I was to busy enjoying his warmth.I feel something cold on my bare back,I shriek in surprise and fall off Gellert's lap
"What the heck was that?" I ask, as Gellert laughs at me
"My hand" I stick out my tounge"Do that again,young lady and I'll put that tounge of yours to good use"
"What's with the suggestive comment?" I ask standing up.

Eventually I am dressed for the day,black jeans,Ac/DC t shirt,leather jacket and trainers
"Hold up,where me kiss" Gellert asks,blocking the doorway
"You wake me up early,you make me fall on the floor and you except me to kiss you?" I ask
"Not happening" I say
"Aww" Gellert pouts,I give in and kiss him
"Damn you" I say against his lips,in response he gently bites my lower lip,causing a whimper to leave me.

"Shall we?" Gellert holds the door open for me,I knew he was smirking the whole time.Before I enter the great hall,Gellert asks
"What are you doing today?"
"Going out of town to get Matt a birthday present" I say
"Care for company, from a handsome and charming wizard?" Gellert asks
"Are you asking me out on a date?" I ask,shocked at the question
"Mabey" Gellert says smirking
"Then yes,I'd love your company" I say shyly,looking down at the floor.I fell Gellert move to my ear and whisper
"Your beautiful, don't hide your face" he kisses my cheek and walks into the great hall,I sigh dreamily and follow after him.

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