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Chaz's P.O.V
Since the come and go room adapted to the users needs,we had things to do.The afternoon slowly wore on and I sat and talked to Gellert for some time about various muggle stuff. I think Gellert didn't understand most of it,its cute when I tell him about some muggle stuff and he looks at me confused.

"You know how you said you didn't want a million and one questions from Queenie,but what about at dinner" I say to him
"I hadn't thought of that"Gellert admits
"What will you tell her,she will ask?" I ask,Gellert thinks for a few minutes
"Its not that I don't trust them,its...will they understand" Gellert final says
"The choice is yours" I say.

We headed down to the great hall for dinner,Gellert was silent most of the way,I knew he is thinking. I sat at the Slytherin table and Rhaena asks
"I know we haven't spoken much recently, but are we good?"
"I don't see why not" I tell her
"Are you looking forward to the party?" The red head asks
"Part what party?" I ask
"The Christmas party, it happens every year" Matt says
"Your joking right?" I plead
"Nope,sorry lass" David says.

Gellert's P.O.V
I sat looking around the room,I knew Queenie was dieing to ask about who she saw me with,this afternoon. She was also trying to read my mind but no one can,well except for Chaz.Queenie being the gossip she is,didn't like it when she didn't know something-just then beard face got up to speak,how boring.

Chaz's P.O.V
The hall fell silent as Albus got up to talk
"As you are aware the Christmas party will take place on Christmas eve" he began"As tomorrow is the 1st of December, there will be dance lessons,for those with no experience. These lessons will continue for the whole of December, until the 23rd.If you can already dance,then you don't need to attend if you don't then I will see you there"Albus finished and sat down.

I talked to Gellert
"Why will Albus be there?" I ask
"Because princess, Minerva teaches the dancing" he says
"I have a brilliant idea" I say
"OK" Gellert says
"An idea that will more than likely,embarrass ol beard face" I say
"I love the sound of that".

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