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The day was coming to an end,but I had one more lesson of dueling to go before I could finally get some much needed sleep. I am currently doing a duel with Rhaena,I was slowly losing focus and soon enough my wand flew out of my hand,and was caught by Grindelwald.

"Ha,I finally beat you Chaz" the red head smirks
"Yes,you managed to beat a girl that has been awake since three am" I sass her,she crosses her arms and huffs
"So it wasn't a fair fight?"
"I will beat you" Rhaena says determined
"I doubt that" I say"Know where is my wand?"I look around but could not find it anywhere.

"Lessons over,so I will see you at dinner" Rhaena says walking out the classroom
"Looking for this" Gellert says,holding up my wand.David gives me a shove forward,and drags Matt out the room with him."What's with these two?"Gellert asks,once we where alone
"They like to be at dinner early to get the best food" I say
"I know your lying" Gellert says standing in front of his desk,I sit on the desk behind me and say
"Well its only half right,with Matt and David" I say.

"If its only half right,what's the other half?" Gellert asks
"Matt and David have some how got it in to there heads that...we make a cute couple" I admit to him.Gellert stands up and walks over to me,he puts his hands on the desk beside me
"What do you think to that idea?" He asks
"Umm...I tell them there crazy" I say,looking into his beautiful eyes
"Now that is a half truth" Gellert smirks
"Okay,I like the idea" I admit,Gellert's smirk turns into a soft smile
"I also like that idea" Gellert leans in and kisses me.

I was shocked at first,but soon melted into the kiss.Gellert's lips were very soft,I could feel my whole face heat up from the kiss,it was far more passionate than I expected from someone who is called cold hearted.
Unfortunately there was a knock on the door and we had to break apart.I hear Gellert mutter something unheard with a few curse words,after talking to whoever was at the door,Gellert turns to me and says
"We are required in the great hall,Beard face has an announcement to make".

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