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A/n this is my new favorite picture of Gellert.I love his cute little smile so much.

After washing and getting dressed,me and Gellert made our way down to the great hall,we stopped near the doors and Gellert asks
"Are you sure your OK and I didn't hurt you?"
"Have I ever lied to you?" I ask him
"No you haven't" he tells me
"Then I'm okay, you haven't hurt me" I reassure him
"If you are sure?" Gellert asks
"Perfectly sure" I say.

"If I did hurt you,you would tell me?" Gellert asks
"Yes,of course I would" I say, after finally reassuring Gellert that he didn't hurt me,he wraps his arms around me in a hug
"I love you so much Charmaine" Gellert tells me
"And I love you just as much Gellert" I say and then kiss him.It is one of those kisses that I love-ok I love all Gellert's kisses but this one that made me weak at the knees, I love just a tiny bit more.

We pull back due to a lack of oxygen and Gellert smiles at me
"Oh by the way have you seen my white tie,I couldn't find it" he asks
"Right here" I say and pull it out of my  pocket"But you can't have it back"
"Why not?" Gellert asks
"I want people to now you are taken" I say putting the tie back into my pocket,and undoing a few buttons on Gellert's shirt and pushing the collar away from his neck,exposing his hickey's I gave him.

"Have fun" I say kissing his cheek before walking into the great hall,smirking.I sat with Matt and David as normal
"Why are you smirking,lass?" David asks
"You'll see" I say,as Gellert was walking up to the staff table,the hickey's clearly visible on his neck
"Did you do that Chaz?" Matt asks
"You know I did" I laugh
"What I miss?" Rheana asks sitting next to me
"Grindelwald has loads of hickey's on his neck" David tells her.

"No way" Rheana asks"This is i got to see"and the red head walks up to the staff table and talks to Professor Snape,I could see her glance towards my boyfriend.Rheana walks back to us"Nice work Chaz"
"Thank you,its nice to get him back for once" I say
"Draco won't let me do it to him" Rheana adds
"How come?" Matt asks
"I don't know" the red head shrugs.

Gellert's P.O.V
I knew as I sat at the staff table talking with Snape,that the other teachers are talking about my neck.Personally I didn't care,I love the fact that Chaz was brave enough to do it to me and want me to show it off-i can be intimidating. I knew she wasn't embarrassed or ashamed about what we had done together
"I assume your friend has guessed why you gave me these marks" I say to Chaz threw our minds.

"Yeah she has" she says"And now she wants me and Audie to sit with her and talk about our guys"she adds
"Well have fun with that" I tell her
"Is there anything you don't feel comfortable with me talking about?" Chaz asks
"No not really,you can talk about our love life I'm not embarrassed, just not in to much detail" I tell her
"Don't worry handsome, I don't kiss and tell" she says
"What does that mean?" I ask.

Chaz's P.O.V
"It means I won't have sex with you and the run off and blab about it" I tell him
"Earth to Chaz" I hear from Matt
"Stop with the heart eyes at your boyfriend already" Rheana says nudging me
"When he looks that fine,its hard to look away."

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