Date time in London town.

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London was a lot less busy than I had expected it to be,considering the weather was warmer here than at school
"Where exactly are we heading?" Gellert asks,shielding his eyes from the blinding sunlight
"No idea" I say"Though I think you could use some sunglasses "
"Some what?" Gellert asks,confused
"Dude how do you not know what sunglasses are?" I ask,as we walk
"I'm a wizard that's how?"
"And I'm a witch,but I know what they are" I say,and dragg Gellert into a nearby shop.

London was a lot less busy than I had expected it to be,considering the weather was warmer here than at school"Where exactly are we heading?" Gellert asks,shielding his eyes from the blinding sunlight"No idea" I say"Though I think you could use so...

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A/n those are like Chaz's sunglasses only there not raybans.

I stood around bored as Gellert tried on plenty of sunglasses, eventually settling on a black pair

I stood around bored as Gellert tried on plenty of sunglasses, eventually settling on a black pair

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A/n Gellert's sunglasses only with no bits missing.
"If this is what your like sunglasses shopping, what are you like clothes shopping?" I ask
"I'm perfectly stylish as I am,I have no need of new clothes" Gellert says
"Well that's one thing we agree on" I say heading to pay
"What,that I'm stylish?" Gellert asks

After paying we head outside and head towards the shopping center
"Why do I need these again?" Gellert asks
"To protect those beautiful eyes of yours, that's why" I say
"If you say so"
"Yeah I do,I learned that in muggle science class"
"Well the muggles got one thing right" Gellert says
"You don't like muggles to much,do you?" I ask
"I don't hate them,nor am I overly fond of them" Gellert explained
"They make awsome movies and music"

It was harder than I thought to find something for Matt's birthday.In the end I settled on something simple,a whole box of Jammie Dodgers and a Fez. Gellert looks confused
"What's know what forget it,I'd rather not know" by the time I had gotten Matt's present,it was time to head back to school.

We apperated back to Hogsmead and a took a slow walk back to the castle,because when we got close we had to separate if people are around.It was a lot cooler then in London and there was a light breeze.

We stood at the edge of the Forrest as we had done that morning
"Apart from the fact you had to shop for someone who is impossible to shop for,I really enjoyed today" Gellert says
"Yeah,I had fun today" I say,as I wrap my arms around his middle"Shame it has to end"
"It doesn't have to end just yet" Gellert says,then we apparated inside my dorm room
"You sir are rude".

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