Stay with me.

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Gellert's P.O.V
It has been a few hours since I found out that Chaz was in the hospital,her father had arrived some time later and is sat on the opposite side of the bed.We didn't really say much to each other there wasn't any need to,we both wanted the same thing-for Chaz to wake up.

"Have you been asleep yet?" Sirius asks me
"No" I say
"You look like you could do with some sleep" he tells me
"I won't be able to sleep until I know that Chaz is awake" I say
"You really care a lot about my daughter, don't you?" Sirius asks
"She is the most important person in my life,I'd do anything for her" I tell him.

"Do you love her?"
"With every breath in my body"
"Then go to sleep,if not for you then for Chaz" Sirius says,I knew there was no point in arguing so I gave in
"Alright but wake me the moment she wakes up" I say.

Sirius's P.O.V
"Your as stubborn as Chaz is" I say to Gellert
"Sometimes it feels like Chaz is more stubborn then me" the platinum blonde tells me.I watch as Gellert leaned over and placed a kiss to Chaz's forehead,before sitting back down and attempting to sleep.I got up and wondered around for a few moments,the nurse had gone to bed for the night so it's just the three of us in the room.

I hear movement behind me and thought it was Gellert,only when I turned around I saw that it is Chaz-she is wakening up.

Chaz's P.O.V
I opened my eyes slowly the room I am in is not well lit.My left shoulder is aching and I remeber what happened to me
"Welcome back pup" I hear,I turn my head and see my dad smiling at me
"When did you get here?" I ask
"Few hours ago,he has been here longer" Sirius says indicating the other side of me,I turn my head to the other side and see my boyfriend sleeping.

"Did you knock him out to get him to sleep?" I ask
"No,I said to do it for you" Sirius tells me"I still find it hard to believe that a man with his reputation actually listened to me"
"Once I got to know Gellert, I realized that he is just a big grumpy teddy bear" I say,Sirius laughs well it sounded more like a bark,which caused Gellert to awaken.

"I will leave you two to talk" Sirius says standing up and leaving
"How are you feeling?" Gellert asks me
"My whole upper left side hurts and so does my leg" I tell him
"You almost died" Gellert says
"What?" I say shocked
"That spell that hit hit close to your heart" Gellert explained"Really you should be dead"I couldn't believe it,someone had almost killed me
"How am I alive?" I ask
"I don't know and I don't really care,all I care about is that you are alive" Gellert says
"I am glad to be alive,or I would never get to see you again"
"I don't know what I would do if you had died"

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