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After the run in with my bullies again I no longer felt myself anymore,they had brought back some bad memories about what they did to me.I was lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed that Gellert had apperated us back to Hogwarts.

We headed back up to the school,Gellert stayed close by me the whole time,he glances my way every so often but said nothing, until we got to the entrance hall.

Gellert's P.O.V
The walk back up to the castle was silent, I knew Chaz was lost in thought, who ever those three where in London was having an effect on her.I decided to ask her about them.We stepped into the entrance hall,I take Chaz by the hand and turn her to face me
"Chaz,what happened back there" I ask
"They...the girls...they were not my friends...they...they bullied me" Chaz says quietly.

When she said they bullied her,I felt angry and sad for her.I am angry because I can't think why those girls would have bullied her and I'm sad because what ever they did must have had quiet the effect on her
"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask
"Not now...later would be better" Chaz tells me.I pull her to me and hug her tightly
"We can talk when you are ready,my love" I say quietly.

Chaz pulls back and looks up at me with a broken smile,it is not her normal smile
"I'll see you at dinner" and with that she headed down to the dungeons. I saw Minerva and Albus come down the stairs and walk over to me
"What did you do to Miss Black?" Albus asks
"Let me Albus"Minerva tells him,she stands beside me" Did you have a fight?"Minerva asks me
"No,it is more personal than that" I say,walking off.

Nobody's P.O.V
Minerva and Albus share a confused look
"If they did not have a fight,then what happened?".

Chaz's P.O.V
I sat at the Slytherin table on my own, I wasn't in the mood to talk to people. I knew I was being watched I could feel eyes on me,it would be my worried boyfriend Gellert that is watching me.After I finished eating I stood up and headed to my dorm,there are only two things I needed right now-my handsome boyfriend and the music of Linkin Park,there music has helped me so much before.

I am sitting listening to the song Numb,when there is a knock on the door,I stand up and walk over to the door and open it
"What's with the knocking? You normally just apperate in" I say to Gellert
"I didn't want to invade your space,in case you are not ready to talk yet" Gellert tells me
"No I am ready to talk" I say,stepping aside to let Gellert in.

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