Meeting Gellert.

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One of the upsides in going back to school was I got a whole dormitory room to my self.I dont really get on well with other females,most of the time.I like Tonks,she's funny and cool,I get on with Hermione Granger-we share a love of books and I like Mrs Weasley and Ginny, there both nice to me.

I headed up to breakfast, I was surprisingly early-i like to sleep in normaly-i notice Harry and his friends,so I go over and say
"Morning Harold"
"Don't call me Harold,Wolfie" Harry replies
"Hey,there's nothing wrong with the name Wolfie" I defended
"Yeah,but its not a cool name for a wolf is it?" Ron adds.Harry knew about me being an animagus, and in turn told Ron and Hermione
"True,but my dad came up with the name" I tell him
"Are you registered?" Hermione asks
"Nope,don't trust the ministry and I don't want my " parents"to find me"I say

I see Matt and David walk into the great hall
"See you guys later" I say and head over to my own house table. As the three of us sat talking, a girl with a face like a pug came up to us and said
"Oh look the losers have another loser friend" I look at her and say
"Sit down,your embarrassing yourself"
"Do you know who you're talking too?" She snarls at me,I pretend to think
"Um..I don't know...some one of no importance" I say,casually
"For your information you bit..." She begins to say,but a new voice speaks
"Miss Parkinson,I hope your not going to use colourful language" the four of us turn and see,the headmaster
"No,sir" the girl called Parkinson says,and hurries off.

"Sir,may I ask you something?" I ask,standing up
"Of course, Miss Black" he replies, as heads to the staff table,I follow him and ask
"Why did you make me a prefect?"
"Why not" Albus says as he sits down
"There must be a more sensible person"
"I stand by my choice"
"I cause to much trouble" I say
"There are worse troublemakers"
"I iced a corridor once" our conversation was interrupted by a deep male voice saying

"I've iced several corridors myself" I turn and see it was the man from yesterday"Minerva wants to see you Albus"he says to Dumbledore,who hastily stands back up and hurries off
"I've never seen him move so fast" I say
"When it comes to Minerva, Albus is always in a hurry" the platinum blonde says
"Let me guess,he's got a crush?" I ask,to which he simply smirks"I knew it".

"Your the returning student?"
"Yep,that's me"
"Gellert Grindelwald" the man says,offering a hand
"Charmaine Black" I take the offered hand,which Gellert then raises to his lips and places a kiss on my knuckles
"I look forward to seeing you in dueling, Miss Black."

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