Impromptu Challenge.

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"Did they say what the announcement is about?" I ask Gellert,as we headed towards the great hall
"Not exactly,apparently it has something to do with a challenge" Gellert tells me,handing back my wand.

We arrive in the entrance hall,but before I can step forward,I was pulled back around to face Gellert
"What was that for?" I ask him
"No reason" he smirks at me,he pulls me forward more and kisses me again,only this time it was far more passionate and lasting longer.I wrapped my arms around Gellert's neck as he puts his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him,sadly we had to pull apart because humans need air to breath.

When we did break for air,we where both breathing hard and smiling at each other
"Your blushing" Gellert says,smirking
"So are you" I say smug
"Gellert Grindelwald does not blush" he tells me,I pull out a mirror and hand it to him,after seeing the slight red on his cheeks, he hands back the mirror-saying"You don't seem the type of woman to carry a mirror? "
"I'm not,Matt likes me to carry it for him" I say.

We walked into the great hall and I sat at the Slytherin table
"What took so long?" David asks
"Couldn't find my wand" I tell him,he looks at me for a few seconds,then shurgs"If you say so"
"What's that ment to mean?" I ask,but before David could answer,the head master stands up and the room falls silent
"Know your all probably wondering why I am speaking to you,instead of enjoying such lovely food" Albus begins
"Because your a crazy old man,who likes to ramble on" I say in my head,I could see Gellert smirking behind Albus.
"Such a bad girl" Gellert tells me
"You can't tell me,you did not think the same thing?" I ask

"The manner of this announcement is about another wizarding school,a rival of Hogwarts if you will" Albus continued "The school of which I speak is the proud sons of Durmstrang" the moment he said that word,I looked to Gellert ,who was already looking at me
"This isn't good,is it?" I ask
"I don't think so"Gellert says
"The manner of this announcement is the issue of a challenge, the challenge of a quidditch match between the two noble schools" Albus says,as the entire to began to talk,about this sudden announcement.

Small time skip

Whilst we were all eating Snape and McGonagall moved around the room selecting students,I was one.I followed Snape to the front of the room,I joined a line of six Gryffindors: Harry Potter,Ron,Fred,George and Ginny Weasley and another Gryffindor I did not know. I was the only Slytherin
"The seven of you have been chosen to represent Hogwarts, as our school team" Albus told us"As of now you have one week to train together before the match ".

"What gives these ass hats the right to challenge us to a quidditch match?" I ask"No offense Professor"I add to Gellert
"None taken"
"Because Miss Black,they believe we have insulted them in some way" Minerva adds
"I'll give them something to whine about,if they want" I think
"Such an attitude, I like it" Gellert replies, in my head
"You haven't seen nothing yet" I think
"Is that flirting,I detect?" Gellert smirks
"What do you think,smart guy?"

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