Care of magical distraction.

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Once everyone was together, Professor Hagrid began the lesson
"Today class we have a guest speaker" Hagrid said"You all have his book,so here to talk about Thestrals...Mr.Newt Scamander"mainly the Hufflepuff's clapped and some girls from other houses giggled and whisper how cute he is,I personally was not impressed, Newt looked like a weird version of Matt,as in they dress similar.

I listened to what Newt said and made notes every so often, I wasn't really listening my mind seemed to wonder every so often. Luckily I knew about Thestrals to not get noticed, and Hagrid is kind.Soon enough the lesson ended and I walked back up to the castle with Audie
"Um Charmaine, can I ask you something?" The blond girl asks
"You may and call me Chaz" I tell her
"OK,um...I was wondering...can you get..." Audie stuttered, nervously
"You want me to get Newt to autograph your book?" I ask her,she nods"Sure, I'll do it over lunch and give it back when its done"Audie handed me the book,before we parted ways.

The rest of the morning I found it hard to concentrate, I put it down to my lack of sleep.Me,Matt and David ate lunch together
"Your telling me you went to bed last night at three am?" Matt asked, to which I nod
"And your not drinking coffee to stay awake?" David asks
"Yep,not a coffee drinker" I say
"How do you do it?" Matt asks in disbelief
"Its cos,the lass knows she gets to see her fancy man for two lessons" David smirks
"I'd slap you, but I have to do something" I say and I picked up Audie's book and head to the entrance hall.

I see Gellert talking to Newt,and walk over to them
"Mr.Scamander, may I trouble you for a autograph for a friend of mine?" I ask nicely
"O-of course" Newt replies taking the book,Gellert gives me a look and I stick out my tounge at him"What's the name"
"Audie,she's a fellow Hufflepuff" I say,Newt sings the book and hands it back,before walking off
"Since when are you friends with a Hufflepuff?" Gellert asks
"I have friends in all houses" I tell him
"Well,Matt,David and my new friend Rhaena are Slytherin, Harry,Ron and Hermione are Griffindor,Audie is Hufflepuff and Gilderoy is Ravenclaw" I explain.

"I didn't know you knew the D.A.D.A teacher?"Gellert inquiries
"Yeah,I helped him improve his magic" I say
"Well Miss Black,you really are unique" Gellert smiles
"Thanks,what school did you go to?"
"Durmstrang,it's where I learned about the deathly hallows"
"Wow so smart" I say out loud"And so handsome"I say in my head
"You know I heard that right?" Gellert smirks at me
"..." I had no smart remark to make,Gellert leans towards my ear and says quietly
"That comment is more than welcome,especially coming from you" and then he kissed my cheek,before heading into the great hall-leaving me staring open mouth and blushing after him.

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