Helping out.

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My first day of teaching actually went really well and was loads of fun.The first lesson of the day was first years,which was kinda boring because they are too young to actually do a real duel.The next lesson was more fun as it was Harry and friends,they were learning a new style.Hermione had the knowledge of the style down,where as Harry had the power to do it.

It was all good fun.After lunch was the third years and they had a test-which is boring. And now me and Gellert are sat going threw homework,since there is a free lesson
"Even marking all this homework,just makes me hate it more" I grumble
"Don't worry my love,you will get used to it" Gellert says.

We eventually marked all the homework and had time to spare before dinner
"So how do you like teaching so far?" Gellert asks me
"So far its not so bad" I tell him"Although a few of my dad's friends said I would make a good auror,but I don't want to work for the ministry "
"You do what you want to,princess" Gellert says
"Who knows after this month is over,I may want to become a teacher"
"Well whatever you do,I will support you".

At dinner I sat talking to Draco
"So what's it like to teach with your boyfriend?" He asks,Rhaena had told him about me and Gellert-which Draco is fine with
"I love it"I say
" I mean no offence,but what do you like about Grindelwald? "Draco asks
"He is amazing, sweet,caring, sarcastic,gorgeous and plenty other stuff" I say
"How old is he?"
"He is ageless, like fine wine"
"Or a unicorn" I look at Draco shocked.

"You like unicorns?" I ask
"Yeah...why?" Draco asks nervous
"No reason,does Rheana know?" I ask
"Not yet"
"I won't tell" I smirk"You should tell her,I don't think she wouldn't mind"
"I guess,most girls like unicorns anyway"
"Not me,horse's, donkeys and Thestrals I like,but not unicorns".

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