Double Trouble.

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Gellert's P.O.V
Im not even sure how long I have been sat on the stairs thinking. I kept going over and over in my head our walk outside and something didn't seem right,but I couldn't figure it out.

I stood up about to go to my room,when Chaz came from the dungeons, strange she went up the stairs and hasn't come back past me.She sees me and comes over.

"Hello handsome" she smiles at me,only she stops when she sees my expression "Gellert's what's the matter?"
"Nothing,I'll leave you alone" I say and head up the stairs,only she came up the stairs and stopped me
"What in the name of the nine realms are you on about?" Chaz demands,she is stood a few steps ahead of me,so we are on eye level.
"I thought about what you said and I'm willing to give you as much time to your self as you need" I tell her.

Chaz's P.O.V
"Are you breaking up with me?" I ask,where has this come from
"Do you want us to take a break?" Gellert's says
"No,whatever gave you that idea?" I ask
"You did when we came back from a walk outside, you said you are sick of me being around" Gellert's says.

"Gellert I'm not sick of you,I love spending time with you" I tell him
"Then why did you say it?" Gellert's asks
"I haven't been for a walk with you today" I say confused
"After lunch we went for a walk around the grounds" Gellert's tells me
"No I was with Snape in the dungeons, talking about my chances of being head girl next year" I tell him.

"So your not sick of me?" Gellert's asks hopeful
"It is impossible for me to be sick of you" I tell him,Gellert's smiles at me before kissing me roughly. But then an idea hits me and I break the kiss,making Gellert whine
"You said you went outside with me?" I say
"But I was in the dungeons,so who was with you outside as me" I ask.

I have my answer moments later,as I came down the stairs
"Who the hell are you?" She asks
"I'm Chaz,who in the name of Merlin's beard are you?" I ask
"I'm Chaz" she says,Gellert's draws his wand and points it at us
"Careful there,you might take an eye out" I say.

Gellert's P.O.V
You would think I'd be happy to have two Chaz's,but I know one is a fake
"Down to the floor,both of you" I tell them.They are both identical, from there dark brown hair to there trainered feet
"I know one of you is fake,so we will wait here until the polyjuice potion wears off" I say
"Polyjuice" one Chaz asks
"What,you think I wouldn't notice" I taunt.

Albus and Minerva come out of the great hall
"Professor Grindelwald what is going on hear?" Minerva asks
"One of these Miss Black's is fake" I say,they stand beside me
"Well that is a problem" Albus says"How do we solve this,they are identical? "
"What about asking us questions?" One Chaz says.

"To easy" I say
"I have a idea" the other Chaz says,she takes off her hoodie,drops it on the floor and moves the left shoulder of her t shirt, revealing a scar from when she was hit by the spell,the other one does the same but has no scar
"She is fake" Albus states
"Great power of deduction,Watson" the real Chaz says.

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