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True to my word I sat and talked with Rheana and Audie about my relationship. It wasn't as bad as I thought,Rheana only mainly asked about what the two of us do as a couple,what our dates are like and what Gellert is like as a person.Its safe to say that Rheana and Audie where shocked at what I told them,that Gellert is a gentleman,sweet and caring.

The next day our temporary replacement dueling teacher Albert Parker had told us he has arranged a dueling challenge among the school.The four houses would hold mini contest's and then the four house champions would duel each other until there is a Hogwarts school dueling champion, and of course Gellert allowed it to happen.

And now the four champions from each house stood in the great hall with there heads of house behind them.From Gryffindor is a fifth year boy,Hufflepuff is a seventh year boy,Ravenclaw is (unfortunately) Jason Walker and for Slytherin is yours truly,I am the only female.

And Snape demanded that I win for Slytherin or face the consequences. First is Gryffindor v Slytherin and Hufflepuff v Ravenclaw.I won the duel as I have more knowledge than a fifth year,Jason however bearly beat the seventh year.I stood with my back against the wall as the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff champions fought.

For a fifth year the Gryffindor had some skill but not enough to win.I have on my black boots,black school trousers,grey cardigan and my white tie is slightly lose with the sleeves on my shirt and cardigan slightly rolled up my arms.My brown hair is left untied and my paw print necklace is under my shirt as the chain is short,but my personalized Deathly Hallows necklace is on full display over my shirt and resting on my tie.

I took to the platform in the middle of the room and face Jason.

Gellert's P.O.V
I had just finished all the boring paperwork and am about to head to the great hall,when the office door opens and Albus and Minerva walk in
"Perfect timing, I'm heading to the great hall and you can have your office back" I say to Albus
"Why are you going there?" Minerva asks
"Dueling contest" I say over my shoulder
"Dueling contest,what dueling contest?" Albus calls after me,but I'm already halfway out the door.

Chaz's P.O.V
After I had finished listening to what Snape had to say,the great hall doors open and Gellert,Minerva and Albus walk in
"The winner of this duel between Mr Walker and Miss Black will be the Hogwarts school dueling champion" Albert announced, and my friends cheer for me
"What do we get if we win?" Jason asks.

Before Albert could answer, Gellert pushed him aside and says
"You get to duel me"
"How's that a prize?" I think
"There is more in it for you princess" came the replie"A special badge and bragging rights"Gellert says out loud
"Cool" I say.

Luckly for Jason the duel did not last long and I sent him flying backwards onto his bottom. Everyone in Slytherin clapped and cheered for me,and then Gellert stepped onto the platform-elderwand in hand
"Now for a real challenge" Gellert says in my head.

We bow to each other and Albert complained
"You bow to a girl but not me" Gellert glares right at him,making Albert back away scared
"Miss Black has my respect, where you little boy do not" Gellert informs him.Our duel went the same way as our first duel did,we each kept throwing spells at the other until they hit in the middle and causing a small bang and I stayed on my feet this time.

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