Christmas Shopping.

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The weekend is finally here which ment I am going to drag Gellert Christmas shopping. Today which is Saturday we are going back to London and then tomorrow we are going to Hogsmead.

After breakfast I met Gellert by the forrest like we did for our date.Gellert only agreed to come because he gets to spend time with me as a couple and we won't be bothered by anyone.

After a few hours of shopping in London, I had got quiet a few gifts for my friends. For Matt I had got a design your own fez kit(don't ask),for David a years supple of biscuits, for my dad a new AC/DC t shirt-i stole the last one,for Rhaena and Draco unicorn stuff,I had Audie already sorted.I only had Gellert left to shop for.

Its not like I could not think of anything to get my boyfriend,its trying to get him to shop on his own
"OK handsome its time for you to shop on your own,whilst I buy you something for Christmas" I tell him
"Is it that time already?" Gellert whines
"Sadly" I say
"Fine" Gellert reluctantly agrees"When do we meet up again?"
"In two hours" I say
"Two hours?"
"One hour" Gellert asks
"One hour and a half,and a kiss" I say
"Okay you minx" Gellert agreed and I closed the gap between us and kiss him.

After parting from Gellert I wonder around for a few minutes thinking where to start first,only before I went into a shop a voice said behind me
"Well if it isn't little Charmaine Kingston,the freak" I froze in place,I knew that voice-it haunted my nightmares and I hoped never to hear it again.

Gellert's P.O.V
I headed into a nearby shop to see if they sold things that Chaz would like,I noticed they had some Avengers stuff,which I know she loves I just can't rember which ones she likes.I walk back out the shop hoping she hadn't gone to far,when I saw Chaz talking to two girls and a lad and she did not look happy.I walked over.

Chaz's P.O.V
I slowly turned around to come face to face with the two girls who made my life hell until I went to Hogwarts the first time.Alice Marks and Katie Jones(sorry if they are your names)
"Look at the freak,all grown up" Alice smirks,I didn't say anything I am to scared
"What's the matter freak,cat got your tounge?" Katie says
"Leave me alone" I say quietly
"There's my two girls" a boys voice says,I turn and see Alex Belmont"Damn freak,you got fine".

"Go away" I say,wishing Gellert was with me and then wonder of wonders,strong arms wrapped around my waist and a familiar smell filled my nose,its him.I watched as Alice and Katie's mouths drop open at the sight of Gellert
"Hello princess" Gellert's deep voice spoke into my ear,I turned to face him and smiled slightly
"Hello handsome".

"Who are these kids?" Gellert asks
"We are Charmaine's friends from school" Alice says sweetly
"Yeah we were in separable" Katie says,undoing more of her blouse
"Who are you?" Alex asks,looking jealous
"I'm Chaz's boyfriend" Gellert tells them
"Boyfriend" the three of them say in disbelief
"No way is this hunk,that freak's fella?" Alice complains.

"Freak" Gellert said angrily, he glanced at me but I didn't look at him,I hadn't told him I was bullied"Now if you children don't mind we have things to do,run along before you find out what happens when I'm angry"Gellert threatened them.The three of them backed off slowly. Gellert turned to me
"Are you alright, my love?"
"Yeah" I lied,Gellert seemed to except my answer-but I knew this would not be the end of this conversation.

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