The Return.

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Warning mentions of blood.

I couldn't struggle with this woman as the blade of the knife is pressed right against my themeral artery-one worng move and I bleed out in seconds
"What do you want with me?" I ask
"To kill you, you didn't die the last time so this time you will" the woman tells me
"Your the one who attaked me outside" I say
"Smart girl" she taunts.

"Who are you?'I ask
"Let's say you humiliated me on the quidditch pitch" she tells me
"Katherine Wood" I say
"You do remeber,how sweet" Katherine says
"Why do you want me dead?You don't know me" I ask
"You have something I want" Katherine tells me
"You cheated on Gellert" I say.

"So what,if I cant have him them neither can you" she says.A young Slytherin girl comes up from the dungeons "You with the black hair stop" Katherine shouts,the girl stops scared"Tell Professor Grindelwald,if he wants to see his precious Miss Black die come to the entrance hall now"Katherine tells the girl.The girl looks at me scared
"Do what she says Amanda,please"

Gellert's P.O.V

I sat in my office going over tomorrow's lesson plan when there is a knock on the door
"Come in"I call,the door opens and Dumbledore walks in
"You don't happen to know where Miss Black is?" He asks
"Quidditch practice" I tell him"She probably forgot the time"and there is another knock at the door, which Albus opens.

"Ah Miss Cross" Albus greets
"Professor Grindelwald, I have...a message for you" Amanda says
"Yes" I ask
"If you want to see your precious Miss Black die,come to the entrance hall now" Amanda tells me.I feel my blood run cold at the words "Miss Black and die".

Albus P.O.V

I look at Amanda and ask
"Are you certain that's the message?"
"Yes headmaster, Miss Black told me to come here" Amanda says,Grindelwald stands up and runs from the room
"Now Miss Cross I need you to do one thing for me" I say and she nods"Find as many teachers as you can and tell them to keep the students away from the entrance hall".

Chaz P.O.V

Whilst we waited for Gellert to arrive I had time to think.I can't let Katherine know that I am scared,which I am as I don't want to die yet.The entrance hall is silent until I hear running footsteps and see Gellert at the top of the stair's.

"Let her go" Gellert says
"No I don't think so" Katherine says,Gellert walks down the stair's and stops a few feet away
"You alright Chaz?" Gellert asks
"Personally I'd rather be listening to beard face,but can't complain" I tell him
"How are you really?" Gellert asks in my head

"You see Gellert, the only thing keeping us apart is her" Katherine says"But I know you won't take me back,so I'll kill her and make you suffer"
"This is between you and me,let Chaz go" Gellert tells her
"Killing her is the best way to make you suffer" Katherine says,I feel her press the knife harder into my neck and feel blood run down my neck.

We watch as Albus and Minerva come down the stair's behind Gellert and Severus come up from the dungeons
"Looks like we have quite the audience, for your death" Katherine says to me.

"What can I say,I'm a crowd pleaser" I say
"Your very calm,for someone close to death" Katherine remarks
"If you think threatening me with a knife will make me cry and beg,then you know nothing of me you Mewling Quim" I say
"Fiesty until the end,how pathetic" Katherine says,putting the knife on my cheek and leaving a deep cut.

Whilst Katherine is boasting to the teachers,I talk to Gellert
"I'm sorry I put you in this situation" Gellert says in my head
"Gellert this is not your fault,she cheated on you and is delusion about you" I tell him
"You know there is only one way out of this" Gellert tells me
"Besides death" I say
"I won't kill you,but I will have to hurt you" Gellert tells me.

"Then do it,what ever it is do it" I tell him
"I won't hurt you" Gellert says
"You have to,I trust you" I say, Gellert takes out the Elder Wand
"You won't do it,you won't hurt your precious girlfriend" Katherine taunts.I look Gellert in the eyes
"Forgive me?" Gellert asks
"Always" I say.

Then everything happened in slow motion, I hear Gellert say "Crucio" in his head and in that split second I push Katherine's arm away from my neck the blade cutting the skin,but I don't care.The spell catches me in the side but hits Katherine in the chest,sending us both flying from the force. I land on the floor with a thud and feel the air leave my lungs.

I look up at the ceiling feeling dazed from Gellert's powerful spell and the loss of blood.I see Gellert sit beside me and carefully sit me up against him
"Charmaine I'm so so sorry for hurting you" Gellert says,his voice shaking
"I forgive you" I say.

Gellert raises his hand to heal the cut on my neck but his hand is shaking to much,so Snape crouches beside me and does it for him.I lean back in to Gellert's chest as he wraps his arms around me,I can feel his uneven breathing as he is as scared as me,but won't let anyone see as that is how Gellert is.

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