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After our laughter died down,the young guy appeared to be glaring at us
"What is so funny?" He asks
"You,thinking your the best duelist" I say
"I am" he says,making me giggle
"Look Mr..."Gellert begins
"Albert Parker Jr" the man says
"Well Mr Parker,if you are the best duelist as you so claim,though I doubt it-mabey you should prove it" Gellert tells him.

"How?" Albert asks
"With a duel" Gellert states
"I Albert Peter Parker,except the challenge" he said like a pompous oaf
"Oh great first Albus now Albert" I say
"I know" Gellert says"So many uncool names"
"There is nothing wrong with the name Albert or Albus"Albert tells us "What name do you have?"he asks Gellert
"Gellert" the platinum blonde says.

"Talk about uncool names" Albert says
"Look here you pompous git,you have no right to make fun of the headmaster's name" I say glaring
"Look here a teachers pet" Albert mocks
"Wanna make something of it?'I say
"Well its settled then,you Mr who's name is not important" Gellert begins "Will duel me to prove how good you claim to be at dueling"
"Cool" I say
"When?" Albert asks.

"Now"Gellert says shoving him towards the door
"But I'm not ready" Albert complains
"A good duelist is always ready for a fight" I say,closing the door behind us
"Very good,my pet" Gellert says quietly. We made our way to the dueling classroom, which happened to have Harry and his friends in.

"My apologize for my late arrival, children" Albert says
"Its not like there doing anything anyway" I say,most students where messing around,except for Hermione who is reading
"As a change to the lesson for today as your teacher was late" Gellert says"You get to watch a real duel and then you may leave"there is a slight cheering as the students stand up,and Gellert clears all the desks making plenty of room.

Gellert is stood on one side and Albert is on the other,with me at the side but in the middle
"Wands at the ready" I say
"Wait,wait,wait" Albert calls"What are the rules? "
"No unforgivable curses" I say
"That's it?" Albert asks
"Yep" Gellert tells him.
"Shouldn't we bow first?" Albert asks,so Gellert says
"I'll bow when you get my respect" Albert bows,I stand ready only Albert has to "get" ready.

Gellert stands with his arms behind his back,eventually Albert is ready.The first spell Albert fires,fly's past Gellert's left shoulder,the second Gellert uses his right arm to block(like Snape does in half blood prince film)which angers Albert.The third spell Albert fires,Gellert actually uses his wand for-he caught the spell on the tip of his wand and held it up as if to examine it,and in that split second whilst Albert is distracted watching what Gellert is doing-Gellert flung the spell back at him with twice the force sending the young man flying off his feet.

"I think we have a winner" I say
"Class dismissed" Gellert announced, as the students leave Gellert walks over to me"You my pet are coming with me"
"But its is almost time to eat" I protest half heartidly
"Then let us go and work up an appetite" Gellert says,placing his hands on my waist to pull me into him and disaperating,leaving Albert on the floor embarrassed he ever claimed to be the best duelist.

A/n I thinking of doing another Smut chapter next,so pre warning.

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