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I sat and ate breakfast with Matt and David,who are talking about going to Hogsmead
"So Chaz,what are you going to do in Hogsmead?" Matt asks
"I'm not going to Hogsmead" I say
"Why not?" Matt demands
"I have other plans" I say, Matt and David exchange a look
"So it's true then?" David asks
"What's true?" I ask
"The rumor" Matt adds
"What rumor" I inquire.

"There's a rumor going  around, that your going on a date with Jason Walker" Matt says
"You two know perfectly well that I am going out with Grindelwald" I say angrily
"We know that lass,but no one else does" David tells me"I mean you can't announce your dating him because your only ment to be sixteen and he is your teacher"I know he is right.Rhaena sits beside David and says
"Did you say to Draco to ask me out?"
"Yes" I say
"Well thanks,because he did" Rhaena says,smiling
"Your welcome"
"I hear your going on a date with Jason Walker" she smirks
"I am not going on a date with Jason Walker".

Gellert's P.O.V
I sat talking with Severus about potions, when I over heard Pomona talking to Minerva-well gossiping
"Did you hear Minerva,that Ravenclaw's Jason Walker is going on a date with Slytherin's Charmaine Black" Pomona says
"I dont think that's true Pomona" Gilderoy speaks up
"Oh and how do you know"Pomona asks
"I know Miss Black,and Mr Walker is not her type" he explained
"Yes,but young girls change there mind alot" Pomona insists,I had not realised that my grip on my gobelt had tightened until the glass broke in my hand,the staff table fell silent
"I dont think we should gossip about students" Albus says,glancing at me.

Chaz P.O.V
I waited for Gellert near the forbidden Forrest,so no one would see me
"Waiting for someone?" A voice behind me asks,I jumped and turn and see Gellert
"Yes actually, a rather handsome wizard" I say playing along. I hold out my hand"Let's go"
"I'm the one who's apperating" Gellert says,taking my hand
"Have you been to London?"
"Not recently"
"Well then,I'm apperating".

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