Telling Truths.

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Sunday came and went all to fast and the school week had started again.I still had to talk to Gellert,the man had been in meetings all weekend. I decided to stay after double dueling on Friday, so we could finally have that talk.

The week went by as normal,after helping David with his potions homework-David said if I needed him to do something for me,he would.

I approach David before dueling was over and said
"David, I need you to do something for me"
"Sure" he replies
"In case anyone asks where I am,say I have detention after this lesson is over" I explain
"Can I ask why?" David inquiries
"Professor Grindelwald wants to talk to me about something" I say.David looks between me and Gellert then asks
"You fancy him,don't ya?" He smirks
"I...its...obsered" I stutter out
"I'm not hearing a no" David taunts
"Less talking Mr.Tennant" Grindelwald says.

The lesson ends and I wait until everyone is gone before, I make my way to the front of the room
"So what did you want to know about?"
"I know Sirius Black is not your real Father, who is?" Gellert asks
"My parents are Olivia and Jeff Kingston,they work for the ministry and are highly respected there" I say
"What happened to make you leave?" Gellert asks.I look down at the floor
"I didn't leave...they...they kicked me out when I was twelve. My parents-if you can call them that-are really old fashioned. They believe men are superior and women are weak...there racist as well as homophobic... I refused to follow there beliefs,so after my first year at Hogwarts, just after my birthday... They kicked me out" I explain, Gellert was silent so I carried on

"I had no where to go,the rest of my family hate my parents and disowned me,I had no where to go...I hid in the local woods,I was there for two weeks when I met Sirius... Well he found me...a large shaggy black dog approached me...he was playful and brought me food,once I trusted him,he showed me he was an animagus and he took me to his home... And I explained as best I could what had happened..."I finished.

" I'm sorry that happened to you at such a young age"Gellert said quietly
"Thank you... No one but my father knows the full details of that story" I say,looking up at him
"Not even Dumbledore?"
"No,not even him" We stood up and walked to the door,but before we leave Gellert surprises us both by hugging me
"I will not share with anyone,what you have told me".

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