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Matt's birthday finally arrived,and thankfully he was happy with his gifts from me.David got him more bowties for his outfits and since Rhaena and Audie didn't know what to get him they just gave him a card.Although Matt said to us that he would wait for a few days until it is Halloween for his party.

The school is having a Halloween party and its fancy dress.Rhaena is going with Draco,Audie is going with Nevile Longbottom from Gryffindor.I didn't want to go,but Matt and David said they would drag me there.

Time skip to party.
Matt and David said they would wait for me in the entrance hall,my costume is simple:black trainers,blue jeans and a red leather jacket in English what Michael Jackson wears in his Thriller video.

After I got dressed,Gellert appeared in my room
"So your going to this party?" He asks
"Yeah,are you?" I ask
"Of course,any chance to spend time with you I'll take it" Gellert says
"Where is your costume then?" I ask,in the blink of an eye Gellert had changed every thing.His platinum blonde hair is now longer anf dredlocked and dark brown with a red bandanna, his pale skin is now tanned,his mis matched eyes are now a dark brown,even his clothes are different.

His black boots are now brown,his leather type trousers are brown,his waist coat is now longer and dark blue,his white shirt is slightly dirty,his white tie is gone.He has rings and tattoos on his hands,his long black coat is gone
"Wowza" I say,checking him out.

"Captain Jack Sparrow,at your service love" he says,even his voice is different"Well I am impressed" I say"Wait where is your wand?"I ask,Gellert draws a sword"Me weapon of choice" Gellert smirks"Atleast you still have your sexy smirk""Aye love" t...

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"Captain Jack Sparrow,at your service love" he says,even his voice is different
"Well I am impressed" I say"Wait where is your wand?"I ask,Gellert draws a sword
"Me weapon of choice" Gellert smirks
"Atleast you still have your sexy smirk"
"Aye love" this party just got a whole lot better.

Me and Gellert made our way down to the entrance hall,where Matt and David stood waiting. David is wearing a blur pinstrip suit,red converse trainers and a long brown trench coat,no wear near as cool as Gellert's.Matt is wearing brown boots,black jeans,a purpleish waist coat,a longish purple coat,a white shirt and a black bowtie.

"What are you guys ment to be?" I ask
"The Doctor" they both say,apparently they are a alien with two hearts,just different versions
"Who is this?" Matt asks
"Jack Sparrow" I say
"There should be a Captain in there somewhere" Gellert says
"Who is he really,lass?" David asks
"You won't believe me,even if I told you" I say.Gellert walks past us and throws open the doors to the great hall,and strides over to the drinks table
"Wait is that Grindelwald?" Matt asks
"Yeah,he is so hot" I say and followed the sexy pirate.

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now