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I was still very angry when Gellert came to visit me.I was sat trying to do my dueling homework when there is a crack,indicating my boyfriend had arrived,I however did not look up.

Gellert sat on the couch beside me,as I am sat on the floor in front of the table.I felt Gellert rest his hands on my shoulders and say
"What's the matter,princess?" I stopped my writing
"I told Rhaena and Audie about us" I say
"And?" He asks
"Rhaena was not happy" I say"I'm not sure why but she seems to have something against you"I say looking up at him.

"Why?I have done nothing to her" Gellert says,I sit on the sofa beside him and cuddle into his side"Do you think she is jealous? "
"No she is going out with Draco Malfoy" I say
"Give her sometime to think about what you have told her,and mabey she will except us"Gellert tells me.

We sit in silence for a few moments until I decided to do something, I sit up and look at Gellert once he is looking back at me I leaned in and kiss him.This kiss seemed different from the the other kisses we shared,it is more heated and hungry.Gellert pulls me onto his lap never once breaking the kiss,he places his large hands onto my hips as we continue to make out.

Gellert pulls me closer to him as I run hands threw his platinum blonde hair.Gellert let's go of my lips allowing me to breath and begins to unbutton the top of my shirt to kiss my neck which felt incredible,only before we could go any further there is a knock at the door and a voice says
"Chaz can we talk"
"That's Rhaean" I say,pushing Gellert away from my neck
"You'll have to go into the other room for now" I tell him
"Why?I was here first" Gellert complains.

After making sure Gellert was securely out the way,I sort out my shirt and open the door
"Yes" I say
"I came to say sorry" Rhaena says,I step aside and let the red head in
"So what do you have to say?" I ask
"Firstly I'm sorry for judging Grindelwald without knowing him like you do" Rhaena begins.

"And I want to say I reacted the wrong way about your relationship. I just thought you would say that you are dating someone your own age,I didn't think it threw before I spoke and then I didn't say the right thing to you.And as I said,I am very sorry and hope you can forgive me" Rhaena says
"I will think about it" I tell her
"Oh OK" and the red head leaves.

Once Rhaena had left Gellert came up behind me and put his hands on my waist and places little kisses on my neck
"So shall we carry on?" Gellert asks,I turn around and say
"Yes we shall" and with that Gellert picks me up and carries me into my bedroom,kicking the door shut behind him.

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