December's difference.

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I got up on Monday December 2nd to find the Slytherin common room full of sixth years,I walked over to Matt,David,Rhaena and ask
"What's is going on?"
"No idea lass" David says
"Snape has something important to tell us" Matt adds.

"I wonder what it's about?" Rhaena adds.At that moment Snape stands on the stairs and the room falls silent
"There has been a change in this months lesson plans for you" he begins"The head master has decided to let the entire sixth year for a month,maintain the chosen career path we think will suit you,however you can ask to be placed else where "Snape finished.

"What does that mean professor?" A boy asks
"I won't have to see most of you lot for a month" Snape sneers,walking off.The whole room began to talk
"What's going on?" Rhaena asks me
"In the muggle world the year 10 students spend two weeks in a job" I explain
"Cool" Matt says.

Snape comes back with a list of where the students are going.Matt is going to Saint Mungo's,David is going to the Ministry with Rhaena and Audie and I are staying put.
"Um Chaz...can we swap" Audie asks
"Sure but why?" I ask
"I'm ment to be in dueling and you are in Care of Magical Creatures" Audie says
"That's rude,your better at Care of Magical Creatures" I say
"And your better at dueling" Audie adds.

I took turns saying goodbye to my friends
"Don't forget to write often" I tell them, before they crush me in a hug
"We will miss you" they say.I left the common room and made my way to Gellert's class room,after having my favorite house elf and friend-Dobby bring me some toast.I should get there before Gellert.

I didn't have to wait long until Gellert arrived, he smiled the moment he saw me
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, princess?"
"Well handsome,you get me for the whole month" I say
"What?" Gellert asks confused
"It was in a meeting this morning" I say.

"Missed it,I over slept" Gellert tells me
"Not my fault" I tease
"I know,I was up late doing a lesson plan" Gellert explained
"Well now you have my help" I say
"How did you get to work with me" Gellert asks"Surely beard face would want to teach us a lesson,after what we did to him?"
"He did,Audie was ment to be here and me in Care of Magical Creatures-but she asked to swap" I say
"Remind me to thank her" Gellert says opening the class room door
"Don't worry,I will make it up to her for Christmas".

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