Secret is Out.

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Albus P.O.V
After Gellert had taken Chaz to the hospital wing,I told Minerva to take Mr Walsh to the dungeons and send him home-as of now he is suspended. I headed to my office to await news on Chaz,when there is a knock on the door
"Come in" I called,the door opened and Tina and Queenie walked in"What can I do for you ladies?"I ask as they stopped in front of my desk.

"That girl Grindelwald took to the hospital wing,that's his girlfriend isn't it?" Queenie asks me,before I could answer though-Tina butted in
"What the heck is he thinking, that girl is sixteen"
"And not to mention she is his student" Tina ranted
"And you have done nothing about it?" Tina finished
"Tina she is twenty three" I finally say.

"Miss Black is twenty three not sixteen" I say
"See Tina,nothing to worry about" Queenie says"So what's Miss Black like?"she asks me
"Miss Black is a nice hard working woman" I start
"What that doesn't sound like Grindelwald's type of woman" Tina says
"And she is quite the skilled duelist, can be arrogant and likes to prank people-mainly me" I finish
"Now that sounds like Gellert's ideal match" Queenie says
"We think so,as you saw the last time you were here-he has never been happier" I say.

Chaz's P.O.V
I sat back in the hospital wing with Gellert beside me
"Gellert are you alright, you have been awfully quiet" I say
"This isn't fair on you,you have been injured so much this year" Gellert says
"First the quidditch one comes with playing the game,the second and third I didn't see coming" I tell him.

Madame Pomfrey walked back over to my bed
"Good news Miss Black, you won't have to stay in the hospital wing this time.As long as you do the same exercises as before, you will be back to normal in no time"
"That's good to hear" Gellert says
"I will give you a potion to help with the pain and then you can leave" Madame Pomfrey says.

Once the two of us are in the corridor which is empty due to the time,with Gellert's help we began to walk.After some time of walking I notice we are not heading to my dorm
"Where are you taking me?" I ask
"My room" Gellert says"Since we have been together you have never been to my room"
"Your right there" I say,Gellert's room isn't to far from his class room.

Gellert opened the door and lit up the room,I walked inside and looked around. The room is like mine,their is a desk,a book shelf,a sofa,a table and other things.We walked threw the main room and Gellert opened the door to his bedroom, lit the room up and I looked around. The room is dark blue with a brown wardrobe and a king size bed with black bedding.

 The room is dark blue with a brown wardrobe and a king size bed with black bedding

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(The colour of Gellert's room and his bed)

"Wow" I say
"Thought you'd like it" Gellert says closing the door and taking off his trench coat
"This isn't fair" I complained
"What is?" Gellert asks,walking over to me
"I can't dive onto the bed" I say,Gellert laughs"What? its my thing I do,I have done it for years"
"Next time princess."

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