Unheard question.

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One upside to being on this quidditch team is I didn't have to do lessons or home work,the downside I didn't really get to see my friends or Gellert.I only saw my four friends at dinner before going to bed.I had to be awake early, eat early, then train for hours,have lunch outside then more training and finally dinner and time to catch up with my friends and then to my dorm to sleep,to do it all again the next day.

Today is Sunday the final day of training before the match and I am really tired. I made it to my dorm room,opened the door,went for a shower changed my clothes and then flopped face down on the sofa.I was only there for a few moments when I was disturbed by a loudish crack. I knew who it was,before he spoke-being an animagus wolf,I could smell him
"Are you alive?"
"No" I groan and turn over to see Gellert looking down at me"Never heard of using the door? "
"That is a strange concept to me" Gellert says,I manage to pull my self into a sitting position, so Gellert could sit beside me.

I cuddled into Gellert
"How are you?" I ask him
"I should be asking you that" he says
"I know,but I've hardly seen you all week" I tell him
"Aww,did someone miss me" Gellert teases, looking down at me
"Well yeah,I missed you...I care about you"I say looking up at him,he kisses me on the forehead and I cuddled back into him.

Gellert P.O.V
We sat in silence for a few moments, it wasn't an awkward silence, so I decided to break it
"Charmaine,there is something I've been meaning to ask you for some time now" she made a small noise,so I carried on"I know this is kinda sudden and although I am older than you, and you are my student...but Charmaine will you go out with me?"I asked her,only there was no replie.I looked down at her and smiled,Chaz had fallen asleep on me.I picked her up and carried her to her bed,placed her carefully down onto it,since its a warm evening I knew she would be fine where she is.

I closed the door to her bedroom and left the dorm room,heading to do evening patrol.As I walked down a corridor a voice said behind me
"I see your spending a lot of time with Miss Black" I groan,knowing it was the annoying Albus
"Your point" I say
"No point,just stating the obvious" Albus says,I carry on down the corridor, but Albus says
"You know her father will be here tomorrow?"
"That's all" Albus shrugs,I turn back to face him
"I'm not afraid of her father or your meddling,beard face" I say walking off.

Its not lik Chaz's father could do anything anyway,she is twenty three years old,and if he does not like how close I am to his daughter,then he will just have to get used to it.

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