Taking it slow.

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Gellert's ideas to help me to walk better again really helped me loads and I'm finally allowed to leave the hospital wing and go back to normal.Gellert agreed to meet me earlier before most students headed to lunch.

"Ready to get back to your normal days?" Gellert asks me
"Yeah I am" I say"As much as it helped me to stay here,I didn't want to still be here for my birthday "
"Your birthday? I haven't missed it have I?" Gellert asks
"No you have got a month" I say
"Your birthday is March 20th,same day as Chester Bennington who you also share your nickname with" Gellert tells me
"Look at you,not just a pretty face" I tease
"Yes this" big grumpy teddy bear"does have ears"Gellert says
"You heard that?"
"Every word,love".

We got to my dorm and I opened the door
"Nice to be back in my own room for once" I say
"So is it an early breakfast or a late one?" Gellert asks,closing the door
"More of in the middle,I said I would over see Slytherin practice since I'm not fully allowed to play against Ravenclaw" I say sitting down.

"And if you guys win,you should be able to play for the cup" Gellert tells me
"You mean when we win" I correct him
"Typical arrogant Slytherin" Gellert says
"And you know all about being arrogant" I sass
"Yes alright you minx,time to get dressed" Gellert says.

I walk into my bedroom and pick out an outfit, Dark grey/black jeans,green Dr Marten's boots,black Randy Orton t shirt and a black biker jacket

(Chazs clothes)"Gellert can you come here for a minute" I call,Gellert walk's into my bedroom and leans on the door frame"What do you need?" Gellert asks"Can you help me with my t shirt" I ask,Gellert smirks as he walks over to me

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(Chazs clothes)
"Gellert can you come here for a minute" I call,Gellert walk's into my bedroom and leans on the door frame
"What do you need?" Gellert asks
"Can you help me with my t shirt" I ask,Gellert smirks as he walks over to me.

"Anything else you need help with?" Gellert asks,keeping his hands on me
"Nope,I think I can do the rest" I say
"Aww" Gellert pouts
"Your just looking for an excuse to keep your hands on me" I say
"What gave you that idea?" Gellert says,as his hands roam over my body"Feel like being late for breakfast? "He asks,nipping at my neck.

" I know what you want,but since you have asked me to wait to play quidditch you have to wait as well"I tell Gellert,it takes him a few seconds to realize what I ment
"That's just brilliant" Gellert complains,flopping onto my bed"Why must I suffer?"
"Gellert you know I'm teasing you" I say trying not to laugh,Gellert sits up and looks at me"If you will excuse me,I have to finish getting dressed."

Once Gellert was back in the living area,I finished getting dressed and then joined Gellert,who looked me up and down
"See something you like,handsome?" I ask

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