Christmas Party part 2.

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I take Gellert's hand and he helps me down the last few stairs
"You look incredibly beautiful,my love" Gellert tells me
"Thank you" I say"You don't look to bad your self"I tease
"Please I always look this good" Gellert smirks
"You did really good with this dress" I tell him
"I said you would love it,and I am right".

We follow Matt and David into the great hall,whilst the two boys head straight to the food table,me and Gellert sit at the back of the room away from the others. We sit talking,holding hands and Gellert being Gellert steals a kiss every so often.

I look around the room seeing lots of couples dancing,groups of people talking,some eating and others sitting down
"You are not board are you,my love?" Gellert asks me
"No Im not,party's are not really my thing but getting to spend time with you is worth putting up with this party" I tell him.We are joined by Matt and David
"How are you two love birds doing" Matt asks
"We are perfectly fine" Gellert tells them
"What about you two?" I ask
"We are mostly hungry,lass" David says.

"You two always are" I laugh
"Rheana says she should have got you two crowns" Matt says
"Trust Rheana" I say rolling my eyes"But unless she could have got a gold crown with horns on it,then I don't want to know".Matt and David look at me confused
"Like Loki's helmet" Gellert tells them
"Who is Loki?" David asks
"That doesn't even make sense" Me and Gellert say at the same time,like me Gellert is a Marvel's Loki fan
"You two are so in sync,its kinda creepy" Matt tells us.

After doing a quick patrol of near by corridors me and Gellert are heading back to the great hall,when Gellert takes my hand and leads me out into the empty court yard.Clouds threaten to cover the moon and stars
"What are you doing?" I ask
"I was wondering if I could have this dance?" Gellert asks,moon light shined on his eyes making them sparkle and a soft smile is on his handsome face.

"Yes" I say.We dance slowly to the sound of the nearby music of the hall.I couldn't help but get lost in Gellert's beautiful eyes,I hadn't realized the clouds had moved until it began to snow
"Is that real snow or are you doing it?" I ask him
"Its real snow princess" Gellert says,we finish dancing and just stare into each others eyes
"Merry Christmas, Charmaine"
"Merry Christmas, Gellert" and we kiss as the snow falls all around us.

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