Breaking In.

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We got out of the car and made sure no one is around, then I apperated us into my old home.We didn't need to put any lights on as it is daylight
"What are we looking for?" Gellert asks me
"Anything about this Charlotte" I say.

We walk down the hall and open the first door which is the living room
"This place looks like it belongs to muggles not wizards" Gellert observes
"Tell me about it" I say

Aside from family pictures, their is nothing else in here
"Let's try my old room" I say heading back out of the living room and up the stairs.At the top of the stairs is a white door with pink hearts all over it
"This has to be it" I say,with a wave of my wand the lock clicks and the door opens slightly. I grab the handle and push the door fully open.

We stop just inside the door way
"We are the dullest things in this room" Gellert points out,every thing is mainly various shades of pink with a few other colours as well.We look around the room but nothing stood out to us,until I saw the bed
"Chocolate" I say
"Where?" Gellert asks,turning to me.

"No,not food my old teddy bear"I say,I walk over to the bed and pick up the bear

"No,not food my old teddy bear"I say,I walk over to the bed and pick up the bear

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A/n this is chocolate and he is my bear.

"Are you replacing me?" Gellert teases"How do you know its yours anyway?"
"There is a Deathly Hallows logo on the ticket" I say.

I toss the bear to Gellert,who checks the ticket
"How long have you had this bear?" Gellert asks
"Since I was little" I say,I put the Hallows on the ticket to piss of my parents and I've always loved that logo"Gellert smiles at that and walks over to me,and a floor board creeks as he does"Wait go back".

"Why?"  Gellert asks,walking backwards and the floor creaks again
"There" I point to the floor,I walk over to him and kneel down at his feet"Could you step to the side please"Gellert moves over and I rip up the horrid pink carpet,and on the exact spot where Gellert was stood is another Hallows logo.

I grin up at him
"What can I say I love this logo" I sit trying to remeber how to open the floor"Got it"I hit the left end and the right end comes up"Now I do need some light"which Gellert helpfully provides.

I see what I am after,a medium sized black box.I pull out the box,put the floor back but Gellert gets rid of the logo
"They do not deserve that here" he tells me,I replace the carpet with magic and we head back down stairs"Wait won't they wonder where the bear is?"Gellert asks

"Doubt it,that clone has more soft toys than I ever had" I say,we reach the bottom of the stairs,but see someone at the door,luckily for us the glass is frosted
"Quick in here" I say dragging Gellert into the small cupboard by the door.We close the door just as the front door opens.

"I forgot something, mummy dearest" I hear Charlotte say,the cupboard is so small that I am pressed right against Gellert's firm chest,I'm not complaining but he does get handsy
"Keep those hands to yourself" I think to Gellert
"That's no fun" Gellert pouts
"I don't want to be caught" I think,Gellert is still pouting so I roll my eyes and kiss him to stop his complaining. We hear Charlotte come back down the stairs and the front door close.I break the kiss and open the cupboard door,almost falling over
"See I always get what I want" Gellert smirks at me
"Let's get out of here."

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