Happy Birthday Chaz(part 1)

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Gellert told me what he did to Jason Walker when we got back to his room,and I couldn't believe it-he broke his hand.Hopefully now he will be to scared to pester me anymore,the rest of the day we didn't do much-we talked about my birthday tomorrow and what I'd like to do.Before we went to sleep I drank the pepper up potion that Severus made which knocked me out about two minutes later.

I woke up to a bright and sunny Sunday March 20th,my 24th birthday feeling loads better.Before I even had the chance to move I am pulled against Gellert's chest
"Happy birthday princess" Gellert says,placing little kisses on my neck
"Thank you handsome" I say,I turn over in Gellert's hold and see he is already dressed"How lond have you been awake for?"
"Since 7:00am and its now 9:00am" he tells me.

"So where are my presents?" I ask propping my self up on my elbow
"Kiss first " Gellert demand's
"Your demanding a kiss on my birthday" I say
"Yeah" Gellert says casually
"Fine,but just this once today" I say as I lean forward and kiss him,but I pull back quick"There a kiss,now make with the gifts"
"Oh no,that's not good enough" Gellert says,before pushing me on to my back and leaning over me and kissing me passionately.

Gellert pulls back breathing hard
"Now that's a kiss" I pull my self up into a sitting position as Gellert reaches behind him and then hands me a small square package in dark blue paper,I rip off the paper and find a small black box
"Your not proposing are you?" I ask
"No,some day in the future" Gellert tells me
"Who says we will be still together for that long" I ask.

"I have no intention of letting you go ever" Gellert tells me
"OK then" I open the box and inside is a beautiful platinum ring with a Slytherin style snake in the middle and two round cut emerald's on either did side of it

"I have no intention of letting you go ever" Gellert tells me"OK then" I open the box and inside is a beautiful platinum ring with a Slytherin style snake in the middle and two round cut emerald's on either did side of it

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A/n what the ring looks like
"So does my princess like it?" Gellert asks taking the ring out of the box and placing it onto my middle finger on my right hand
"I love it Gellert,thank you" I say.

"Your welcome,my love" Gellert says"There is more where that came from"Gellert picks me up and carries me into the bathroom"Now do what you do and then we shall start the day"and with that Gellert walks out of the bathroom. After washing and doing the rest of my morning routine, I pick out some clothes,dark blue jeans,my Loki/Tony Stark t shirt Gellert gave me for Christmas,my grey trainers and leather jacket.

I join Gellert in the living area of his dorm and he walks over to me smirking
"What are you up to?" I ask
"You'll see" he says,I see he is holding a badge in his hands and he attached it to my t shirt
"Your just looking for a excuse to put your hands up my t shirt" I tell him
"Not true" Gellert says but his smirk says I'm right,eventually he is done and I look down and see it says 17
"What your ment to be 17 today" Gellert says
"You sir are rude" I say"Now let's go eat."

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