This Wolfe bites.

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A/n the reference is for WriterGirlLottie278,hope you like it.

This Katherine woman held out her hand to me,which I ignored. Matt took the beaters bat from my hand.After realizing I was not going to shake her hand,Katherine put her hand down and said
"Do you have a name?"
"Yes" I said
"Which is?" She asks
"That is on a need to know basis,as in you do not need to know"I tell her,I hear Matt laugh but cover it up with a cough.

"I'm quiet famous at the ministry" Katherine boasts
"Well allow me to get some parchment for you to autograph" I say sarcastically
"If you must" Katherine says,smiling
"She is being sarcastic" Matt says,causing the smile to fall off Katherine's face
"Well as fun as this isn't,I must be going" I say
"What could be better than talking to me" Katherine huffs
"Um...mabey talking to my self,at least that way I can have a intelligent conversation" I sass her and walk off.

As me and Matt head off to go and get changed we pass Gellert talking to some people, we make eye contact and he winks at me,I smirk in return.Once in the changing room,Matt says
"What was that all about?"
"That woman is Gellert's ex,oh and she cheated on him" I say
"WHAT?" Matt says"Is she dumb?Grindelwald is hot"
"Watch it boy,that's my man your talking about" I warn
"Its just a compliment, Miss possessive" a deep male voice adds,we turn and see Gellert
"I'm not possessive, you are" I defended
"You are both possessive" Matt says,me and Gellert both give him a look.

"OK,I'm going" with that Matt left,no sooner had Matt left did Gellert attack me with a passionate kiss.I felt his tounge enter my mouth and I let out a moan,as Gellert pulled me closer he began to kiss my neck
"That was so fucking hot,the way you spoke to her" Gellert says,in between kisses
"Language" I managed to breath out,before Gellert could leave a hickey,I push him off and he looks at me confused.

I reach up and take off his white tie and say
"Its me turn to leave my mark on you" and with that I began to suck and bite in Gellert's neck,once reaching his sweet spot-Gellert let out a sexy groan.Gellert pushed me back, breathing hard
"If you don't stop,I'm going to take you against the wall"
"Tell me Professor Horny,is that a wand in your pocket or are you pleased to feel me?"

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