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After heading back inside with Gellert,I talked with my friends before going to bed
"Alright Scotsman,I'll see you in the morning" I say
"Good night lass" David says
"Oh and Matt?" I add
"Yeah Chaz" Matt asks
"Stay out of the snow until morning" I say
"Your no fun" Matt huffs.

I find Audie and Rheana talking together as Neville and Draco got drinks
"You two have fun and I'll see you in the morning" I tell them
"Night Chaz" Audie smiles
"Have some" fun" of your own with Gellert,Chaz"Rheana says slyly
"Rheana you can't say things like that" Audie tells her,the red head shrugs
"Its fine Audie" I say "Besides who says we haven't already had that kind of " fun"I smirk,before walking off.

I join Gellert in the entrance hall,and just as I thought Rheana came bursting threw the doors
"Oi Black,you can't just say that and leave,I need more info" Rheana demands
"Good night Rheana" I say,walking off with Gellert, leaving the red head fuming
"What was that all about?" Gellert asks
"Just Rheana wanting to know about my love life" I say.

   Next day

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed,I look out the window and see it is snowing. I check the time and see it is 6:45am,I looked beside me and see that my boyfriend is absent. I get out of bed and walk out of my bedroom and into the main part of the dorm.

I see Gellert by the tree looking for something
"Looking for something?" I say,Gellert turns to me and smiles
"Your looking for that gift that was sent by my dad" I say walking over to him
"OK fine,I am looking for it" Gellert admits
"Sorry but I hid it" I say to him
"Sly minx" Gellert smirks.

"You can have it once I have opened my gifts" I say
"Then get on with it" Gellert says
"What's your hurry?" I ask,as I sit on the sofa
"If that gift really is a request from Albus,then I want to know what it is" Gellert says,handing me my first gift from Matt and David.I un warp the red paper and inside is a packet of colours and a broomstick servicing kit
"What's the colours for?" Gellert asks
"For my colouring books" I say.

Next is from Audie,I unwrap the yellow paper to find a new copy of most potain potion's,I had missed placed my other one.Next comes the gift from Rheana in Slytherin colours, inside is a Slytherin t shirt,scarf and hoodie. From my dad is all the latest C.D's from my favorite artists,which confused Gellert.Then came Gellert's gifts,first is a new t shirt one side is green with a picture of Loki and the other side is red with a picture of Ironman,on the back are the words"Sassy and Sarcastic,the best combination ".

Then came Gellert's gifts,first is a new t shirt one side is green with a picture of Loki and the other side is red with a picture of Ironman,on the back are the words"Sassy and Sarcastic,the best combination "

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(The pictures on the t shirt)

"Wow I love this T shirt,thank you" I tell Gellert
"That's not the only thing I have for you" Gellert tells me,he hands me a box and inside is two twelve inch figures of Ironman and Loki
"Ohh so cool" I smile at Gellert
"Now can I have my gift?"
"Yes" I go back into my bedroom and bring out three gifts,I hand a box to Gellert
"What's this?" Gellert asks curious
"Just open it" I say,Gellert opens the box inside are our Deathly Hallows necklaces but more personal. One has two G's beside the triangle and the other has a silver and green snake around the logo.

 One has two G's beside the triangle and the other has a silver and green snake around the logo

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(How the necklaces look,kinda you just have to imagen)

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(How the necklaces look,kinda you just have to imagen)

"These are amazing" Gellert tells me
"I had them done in that vintage shop,the one you are wearing is a fake" I say,Gellert touches the one around his neck and it turns into my paw print necklace
"How did you do it?
" I'm sneaky ".Gellert wears the one with the snake and I take the other finally I had Gellert last gift,he opens the brown paper and inside is a black jumper and on the front is a blue letter G with Thestrals on either side of the G
"Now this I wasn't expecting" Gellert says
"Its a Weasley style jumper designed for you" I say"I have one"I opened the last gift and inside is a dark green jumper with a silver letter C on the front with snakes beside the C.

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