Happy Birthday Chaz(part 3)

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A/n mentions of Alcohol,followed by Smut.

We apperated to London and it is much warmer than up near Scotland, I took off the seventeen badge-before Gellert asks why I say
"I don't want people to get the wrong idea" We went in and out of the different shops and Gellert said if I wanted something I only had to ask
"I didn't know you had lots of money" I say
"Well I get my teachers pay and I own a castle" Gellert tells me
"Hold up" I stop walking
"What?" Gellert asks stopping beside me
"You own a castle and this is the first I'm hearing of it" I say
"I told you about Nurmenguard" Gellert reminds me
"Yes but you never said it was a castle, I love castles" I say
"Well now you know" Gellert says.

We go into a clothing shop and I look around,but I can't find what I want
"What you looking for princess?" Gellert asks
"A plain black hoodie" I say"But all the woman's are only half a hoodie" Gellert turns around and pulls a black hoodie from the men's rail
"Here plain black hoodie"
"What size?" I ask
"Large" he says
"Meh,I can make it work" I say,heading to the till
"What are you planning?" Gellert asks curious
"You'll see handsome" I say.

By the time we have finished looking around the shops and eaten it is later than I realized,we apperated back to the school and have to sneak past the prefects and teachers on patrol.We head to my dorm as it is closer,once inside I take out the black hoodie and cast a spell on it so now it has a white Deathly Hallows logo on the front

We head to my dorm as it is closer,once inside I take out the black hoodie and cast a spell on it so now it has a white Deathly Hallows logo on the front

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"Nice touch" Gellert says

"Care to join me in my birthday tradition" I say"Well since I turned twenty one anyway"
"What's that?"Gellert asks,I walk into my bedroom with Gellert following, go over to my book shelf,pull out a book and open it taking out a medium sized bottle" Really,the old bottle in the book trick"Gellert says
"It works" I tell him putting the book back,and conjuring two glasses
"What is that anyway?" Gellert asks
"Jack Daniels Whisky" I say
"I didn't know you drink whisky" Gellert says
"Only on my birthday" I say,pouring some whisky into both glasses"Now for the cola"I make a bottle of Diet Cola Twisted Strawberry appear and pour some into my glass"There a Jack and Coke with a twist of Strawberry. "

"What no ice" Gellert says before making ice appear in the glasses "There a straight up whisky" and he drinks it in one go
"Your ment to sip it" I say taking a small drink from my glass
"Who would have thought you would be hiding whisky in your room" Gellert smirks at me"Mind you Dumbledore has a bottle of wine in his desk draw"
"Really?" I say
"Yeah,I saw it when I was head master" Gellert tells me,I finish off my drink"So did the Strawberry cola work with the whisky? "Gellert asks causally.

"Yeah,I should have asked if you wanted some" I say
"I still can" Gellert tells me,before I can ask what he ment he pulls me to him and kisses me on the lips.Inserting his tongue into my mouth and tracing evey inch
"Mmm,that Strawberry is nice" Gellert says after pulling back,I stand looking at him and the air seems thicker then before.I pull Gellert back to me and we start to kiss again,but its more intense than before.(Smut starts here)soft moans leave my mouth when Gellert began to play with my breasts,before pulling my t shirt over my head and dropping it onto the floor.

I grab his shirt where it is undone and pull it fully open exposing his chest,as I ran my hands up and down his chest Gellert changes back to his normal look-minus his shirt.We fall onto the bed with Gellert on top as he begins to bite my neck.I moan when he gets to my sweet spot and begins to suck on it,I run my hands threw his platinum blonde hair.Once Gellert has left a hickey on my neck,he removes the rest of our clothes with a flick of his wrist,Gellert trails kisses down my body starting at my lips.

Once he gets to my pussy he kisses it a few times before he begins to lick it.I moan at the new feeling Gellert is making me feel,he licks and sucks on my core making me pull him closer by his hair,when he grazed his teeth on my core I almost screamed
"A-ahh...Gellert...I'm so close" I moan out,Gellert adds two fingers into me and with his tounge I came soon after moaning his name.Gellert licked me clean and then looked up at me
"You taste amazing princess" Gellert tells me
"That's was brilliant" I say
"Now how about you return the favour" Gellert smirks.

We swap places so Gellert is on his back with his member standing tall and leaking pre cum
"Now I have seen this done in movies and done it to you in a dream" I say,Gellert goes to say something but I lick a strip up his cock to stop him"Shh Daddy,let me make you feel good"I say
"Daddy huh,I like it" Gellert says,I stoke him a few times before placing the tip into my mouth
"As much as it pains me to say this,but take your time my love" Gellert says,but I surprise him by taking him all the way into my mouth-making him groan.

I wait for a few seconds then pull back till I almost take him out,then go back down again.I keep going at a steady pace,Gellert moves my hair back into a pony tail and helps me to suck him.He starts to twitch in my mouth and then cums down my throat
"Holy shit,that was amazing" Gellert says,I let go of his cock with a wet pop and wipe my mouth,since Gellert has his eyes closed I move back up his body so I am over him,I lean down and kiss his lips only to be flipped onto my back seconds later.

Gellert lines up with my entrance and looks at me.
"You ready my love" he asks
"Yes Daddy" I tease as Gellert pushes into me saying his protection spell.Gellert's thrusts are quick but gentle so it didn't take long for the coil to begin to tighten in my stomach
"Your...so tight princess" Gellert moans into my ear
"Your so big D-daddy" I say as I thrust my hips up to meet his.Gellert thrusts become sloppy so I know he is close to coming
"You ready to come my minx" Gellert says panting, I let out a loud groan in replie.A few more thrusts and I cum all over Gellert's cock,I bite his shoulder and scratch down his back,causing Gellert to empty his load inside me and collapse on top of me.

We stay like that for a few moments body's still joined,before Gellert pulls out and rolls off me
"That's gets better every time we do it" I say panting
"Your right there" Gellert says,pulling me close to him and pulling a cover over us,I rest my head onto his sweaty chest
"I love you Gellert" I say
"I love you too Chaz" I hear Gellert say before going to sleep,completely exhausted.

Wow 1291 words.

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