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I stand there wandering what else that man is going to do to me.I walk in the direction Gellert had gone,I notice that my legs felt like jelly.Before I got to the great hall Matt asksed me to quickly help him with a quidditch move before the match tomorrow. I decided to take to the air this time but I am being careful.

I showed him how to do a long pass and then a long catch,as Matt flew off,Gellert spoke to me
"Aren't you coming to lunch,my love"
"Yes I'm just helping Matt with a quidditch move" I say
"Well if you would like something else hard to ride,just ask" Gellert says suggestively.

Matt flew back to me and notices my red face
"What's up with you,bad back?he asks
"No" I say,after Gellert's suggestion I couldn't sit still on the broom
"Then what's up?" Matt asks
"Let's just say Gellert" I say,Matt laughs at me
"Come on let's go to lunch" I nod,anything to get off this broom and away from that dirty image in my head.

Thankfully Gellert left me alone to eat my lunch,but when we got back to the headmaster's office-things got tense.Gellert made some very suggestive and rude comments and would deliberately touch me in places he didn't need to,without being seen by the portraits.Whilst I am sat beside him going over some important work Gellert had to do, his hand is between my legs teasing me over my trousers.

I tried to not react to his touch but it is nearly impossible.I am saved from the pleasure when someone knocked on the door.Gellert pulled his hand away and I stood up beside him
"Come in" judging by Gellert's tone he is not happy about the interruption.

The door opened and a man of about twenty entered the office,he has black hair and grey eyes and is quiet on the skinny side
"What do you want" Gellert growls
"I am the replacement dueling teacher for the week" the man said"And I am the best at dueling "me and Gellert share a look,before we burst out laughing at the young idiot before us.

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