Beautiful truth.

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"You love me?" I ask Gellert completely shocked
"Yes I love you" Gellert says taking my hands in his"I love every single thing about you.To be honest I think I fell in love with you the moment I first saw you"
"You love me over all the beautiful women in this castle?" I ask
"No one is more beautiful,kind,caring, stubborn,determined,funny and amazing than you Charmaine Black" Gellert tells me
"Wow,you really mean than don't you" I say.

"Every word,my love"Gellert tells me"You don't have to say it back if you are not ready,I just need you to know"
"This is a first for you,isn't it?" I ask,Gellert looks down
"Yes,the cold hearted,unemotional dueling teacher has never been in love before,and never would have been without you" he tells me,I make him look at me.

"You are not cold hearted or unemotional,you are one of the sweetest and kindest guy I know" I say"I have never been in love before either,we will figure this out together,I love you too Gellert Grindelwald "Gellert smiles before pulling me into a kiss,that is full of love.When we part Gellert says
"I will do anything to make you happy"
"Being with me is enough to make me happy" I say.

We held hands all the way down to the great hall,not caring who saw us,as we stand in the entrance hall Gellert takes off his Deathly Hallows necklace from around his neck and places it around my neck.

"Gellert you can't give this to me,it means to much to you" I say
"You mean even more to me,my love" Gellert tells me"Besides I have another one"
"I should have known" I laugh
"Kiss me before you leave" Gellert demands
"Your a lot of work" I say
"I know,but I am worth it" Gellert says before we kiss.

We are interrupted by a wolf whistle, we break apart and see Matt and David
"Get a room" Matt jokes
"Bite me,Smith" I retort
"We will leave that to him" David smirks
"I leave you to deal with those two" Gellert says,taking my hand and kissing my knuckles "Until later my love" Gellert smirks at me before walking into the great hall.

I stand there transfixed, not even noticing Matt and David are on either side of me
"Is Chaz broke?" Matt asks his boyfriend
"I think so" David replied, the guys lead me into the great hall and sit me down next to Rhaena
"What's up with her?" Rhaena asks,drinking her juice
"I'm in love" I say dreamily, causing the red haired girl to spit out her drink
"What?With who?".

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now