Talk of the future.

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I woke up early than normal on the Monday after my birthday as I turned over but found no Gellert beside me,I sat up to see if he was around and notice a light coming from the living room.I looked at the time on my phone and see it is 5:00am
"Why is Gellert akwake this time of the morning?" I think to my self.

He prefers to stay in bed longer just so he can hold me more,I grabbed Gellert's shirt from the floor and put it on and head to the living room. I open the door and see Gellert sat on the sofa in his boxers,staring out the window.

I walk over to him
"Gellert" I say,he looks over to me
"What are you doing awake so early?" Gellert asks me
"Concerned about you" I say,Gellert pulls me onto his lap
"I'm fine,just couldn't sleep" Gellert tells me
"What's on your mind handsome?" I ask
"The future" Gellert says.

"We know our future, you and me together and one day we will get married" I say
"Will we though?" Gellert says looking down at me"That's just what I want,I didn't even ask what you want to do"
"I do have another year of school yet,before I decide what I want to do" I say to him
"Which will be involving me less" Gellert says,looking back out the window.

"That's not true" I argue,Gellert looks back at me
"Look at you, your young,beautiful, gifted-you could have anything you want and any man" Gellert says
"The only man I want is you" I say
"You say that now..."
"If someone gave me the choice of all the good looking guys my own age or you to love-I will always pick you" I tell him.

"Your so damn stubborn" Gellert says
"Yes I am,when I have something good in my life I don't let go" I say
"That's how I think" Gellert tells me
"You see we are ment to be" I say
"You made a rhyme" Gellert smiles at me
"Now there's that smile I love" I say hugging him"I love you for you,don't ever forget that "
"I love you too" Gellert tells me.

"Well actually I do have a small idea of what I could do after my seventh year" I say,Gellert looks at me
"And what's that my princess?"
"Now this is mostly Severus's idea but I like it my self,I know my dad could help me to become a auror at the ministry but Severus's says I have the quality's to become a teacher" I say,Gellert thinks it over.

"Yeah I could see that,you do have quiet the skill set,are good at time management, your good with students and you know how to be a good leader" Gellert says
"Exactly, plus it is safer and I get to be with you more" I say"Of course I'll talk to my dad about it and also have to talk with beard face, but yeah I think it might work."

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