Unwelcome attention.

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After pulling my self together,I walk back into the great hall and head to the Hufflepuff table and walk over to Audie
"Here Audie,one autographed book" I say handing over the book
"Thank you Chaz,I appreciate you doing it for me" Audie says
"That's what friends are for" I say and go to leave,until a boy approaches me
"Hey beautiful, you got a name?"
"Yeah,and you ain't getting it" I replied walking to the Slytherin table,but the boy followed
"Well I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory" he says smiling, I had reached Matt and David,who are once again sat near the staff table.

I turn to him and say
"Give me five feet,before I get really mad" I say
"Fancy coming to play quidditch with me sometime,Chaz?" Cedric asks
"I did not give you permission to use my name,back off" I say,I could sense anger radiating from the staff table.

Gellert's P.O.V
I tool my seat at the staff table and watched the students
"Looking for anyone important?" I hear Albus asks
"Don't you have to plan your date with Minerva?" I replied
"How did you know that?" Albus asks shocked
"I have my methods" I say,I noticed Charmaine was heading back to her table,but was being followed by a boy and she did not look happy
"Excuse me" I get up and make my way over to Charmaine.

Charmaine P.O.V
Before I could say anything else to this Diggory boy,a familiar deep voice says
"Is their a problem here?" I knew that voice,it was Gellert
"Yes sir" I say turning to him"This ass clown is harassing me"Gellert fixes Diggory with a cold,hard glare-which makes the Hufflepuff boy visibly scared
"I suggest you return to your own table Diggory, and I'll be telling your head of house to give you two months detention and one hundred points from Hufflepuff" Gellert said,he seemed angry.Cedric hurries back to his seat.

Gellerts P.O.V
"Thanks,he was getting creepy" Charmaine says to me
"Your welcome,my dear"I say,Charmaine looks down but I notice the red on her cheek's.I return to the staff table and once again Albus pesters me
"What do you want?" I say,my gaze on Charmaine again
"I was wondering when you where going to ask Miss Black out,since I did with Minerva-I think its your turn" Albus says,I turn and glare at him
"Stay out of my personal life,or I will curse you" I snarl at him.Albus returned to his seat,but it left me thinking about what he said.

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