Christmas Vistor.

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Opening all my presents took longer then I realized,by the time I was done,washed and dressed it is time to head to lunch
"Hold on a minute you" I say to Gellert
"What?" Gellert asks
"You are ment to be wearing your jumper" I tell him
"Okay fine" Gellert says putting on the jumper
"If you complain I will make you wear a Santa's hat" I tell him.
"You will not mess up my hair" Gellert tells me,running hands threw his already perfect hair
"If you are done with your hair, can we go" I say.

We eventually made it to the great hall,well we would have been earlier if we didn't stop and kiss under every piece of stupid holiday plant,not that I'm complaining. We hear approaching footsteps and we see Audie
"Merry Christmas Audie" I say
"Same to you both" Audie greets"Did you know that nearly everyone has gone home for Christmas? "
"Since when?" I ask
"They left last night" Gellert tells me
"And you didn't tell me" I say
"Not important to you" Gellert shrugs.

"So who is left?" I ask as we walk into the great hall.There is one big table in the middle of the room,sat at the table is Albus,Minerva,Severus,Gilderoy and Matt.The three of us sit down at the table,Audie next to Matt then Gellert next to Audie and then me.But there is still two empty chairs,I didn't think about it too much.Everyone is talking, laughing and having plenty of fun-even Snape.Half way threw the doors to the great hall open and I look and see my father walk in with his best friend Remus Lupin.

I hear a small squeal and I turn to look at Audie who is slowly going red
"Are you alright Audie?" I ask
"I'm...good" Audie replies
"Are you sure,you seem to be very red in the face" I smirk
"No I'm not" Audie says
"I didn't think you were coming until tomorrow?" I say to my dad beside me
"Thought I'd supries you pup" my dad grins at me
"Hey Remus" I greet
"Hello Chaz" Remus smiles.

"These are my friends Matt Smith and Audie Belby" I introduce my friends, only when Remus says hello to Audie,the shy Hufflepuff drops her fork on the floor and dives down to pick it up,I laugh
"Did I do something wrong?" Remus asks
"No its just Miss Belby there..." I begin only for Gellert to cover my mouth
"She is just shy"I glare at him,but he just shrugs
"Okay" Remus says uncertainly, when Audie reemerged she is blushing madly.

"Don't even think about it" Gellert warns,in my head
"Do what?" I ask innocent
"Tease Audie about her crush on Remus"
"Part popper" I huff pouting"Your no fun"
"Your cute when you pout". I stick my tongue out at him
"Hope you like your present Audie" I say,and everyone looks at me weird.

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