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Draco makes his way to the staff table and I hurry after him,he gets there and starts talking.I come up behind him and place a hand over his mouth
"Please excuse Mr.Malfoy for his nonsense" I say
"What is wrong with him" Albus asks
"Someone has given the poor boy some babbaling beverage" I say.

"I think you should be able to prepare the antidote,Miss Black"Albus says concerned,Gellert however is smirking
"What are you smirking at?" I ask in my head
"You outright lying to beard face" Gellert replies
"How do you..." I begin
"I heard what Mr.Malfoy said" Gellert tells me
"Oh" I groan.

"Since Professor Snape has agreed to let you use his classroom, I trust you to cure Mr.Malfoy" Albus tells me
"Yes headmaster" I glare at Gellert,who just winks at me
"You Draco Malfoy are in big trouble" I whisper to him,dragging him to the dungeon's.
After Draco's little stunt I made him do my potions essay for his punishment. It is time to meet Gellert to head to Hogsmead,because it is Sunday not many people should be around so we have less chance of being spotted together.

We arrive in Hogsmead and start looking around,and Gellert is right no one from the school is around,well except for Audie and Neville.I make my way over to a vintage style shop
"Wait here whilst I have a look inside" I say to him
"If I must" Gellert says
"Yes,you can not see what I am getting you for Christmas" I tell him
"You are all the gift I need" Gellert smiles,I lean over and kiss his cheek
"I won't be long" Gellert opens the door for me"Such a gentleman".

I have a good look around inside the shop,finding nothing,I walk over to the counter and explain what I would like
"Yes we can do that" the older lady says
"Brilliant" I say handing over what is needed
"You have quiet the handsome fellow" the woman says
"Yes and a gentleman" I say smiling and looking back at Gellert,who is looking around
"You have a good one there dear,don't let him get away" the old lady smiles kindly
"I have no intention of letting him go" I say heading back out.

"That was quick,princess" Gellert says upon seeing me
"Well they can do what I want" I say"I have to go back in one hour "
"So what shall we do now?" Gellert asks
"Have you got all your gifts?" I ask,as we begin to walk
"Yes" Gellert says.

I am to busy looking around me to see where Gellert had taken me,once inside the building I look around and the place is pink with little tables and pink heart's coming from the fire place
"Really?" I say to Gellert
"Thought you might like it" he says,leading me to a table and sitting down
"You know if any one else had brought me hear they would be in big trouble, but because it is you and I love you-I am willing to stay" I say,taking his hand
"You my love are simply amazing" Gellert says,before kissing me sweetly.

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