All said and done.

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A/n the last chapter of year six.
Gellert's P.O.V

At the sound of growling I opened my eyes and see the so called replacement of my girlfriend
"What are you doing in here?" I ask
"I'm looking for the headmaster" she says
"Well he is not here" I tell her"Wolfie quiet"the wolf goes quiet but keeps glaring at her.

"I'm Charlotte Kingston by the way" Charlotte tells me
"And I need to know that because?" I ask bored
"I'd thought you'd like to know the name of your next girlfriend" she says to me
"I'm happily dating someone" I say,holding onto the snarling black wolf
"What is that thing?" Charlotte asks
"A wolf and no she is not friendly" I say.

Luckily for Charlotte, Minerva enters the room
"Who are you?" She asks the clone
"Charlotte Kingston, I'm hear to see the headmaster" Charlotte says sweetly
"Very well,follow me" Minerva says,the clone blows me a kiss before leaving.

Chaz's P.O.V

Once the door is closed I turn back,Gellert's arms are holding me back
"Blow a kiss to my boyfriend will ya,i'll shove your wand down your throat" I say to the door
"There's no need for violence" Gellert says
"There is if she tries anything with you" I say,relaxing in Gellert's hold.

Gellert turns me to face him slightly
"Your the only woman for me" Gellert says before kissing me on the lips.I wrapp my arms around his neck
"Oh I'm terribley sorry" we hear,I pull back and see a awkward looking Newt Scamander
"Don't worry,we are leaving" I say, standing up and pulling Gellert with me.

The last week of term was the hardest since I had met Gellert back at the start of the year.This holiday would be the longest we have been apart but not long after we come back,is our first anniversary of being together-so that's something. The Sunday before the train at 11:00am Monday,I spent with Gellert-having spent the Saturday with my friends.

Before going to bed that night I made sure I had every thing packed and ready to go with me.Then the Monday came,after a final breakfast me and Gellert sat outside under the trees on the edge of the Forrest,enjoying the warm sun.We sat with our backs against the tree and made the most of our time together.
"These next three weeks are going to be the longest ever" I say.

"I know,I don't know what I'll do without you" Gellert says
"I'm sure you will think of something" I say
"How long do we have left?" Gellert asks,I check my phone and the time says 9:55am
"An hour" I say
"Time is going to fast" Gellert says and he is right because soon enough it was time for me to go home.Me and Gellert stood in my somewhat empty dorm room.

"Do one thing for me handsome" I ask
"Anything" Gellert says
"Smile" I say,and Gellert smiles and I take a picture "There my new background for my phone"

"Do one thing for me handsome" I ask"Anything" Gellert says"Smile" I say,and Gellert smiles and I take a picture "There my new background for my phone"

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A/n Chaz's new background.

We made our up to the entrance hall and I waited for my friends
"You'll talk to me every day right?" Gellert asks
"Yes and I will write" I say
"You won't...forget me will you" Gellert asks
"Never" I say,Gellert pulls me into a final hug as my friends arrive.

Rhaena,Audie,Matt and David my four close friends
"I love you Gellert" I say
"I love you too Charmaine" Gellert says,we share one final kiss before I leave with my friends. We arrive at the station and board the train,I sit looking out the window as the train leaves the station.

"You all right there lass?" David asks
"Yeah,I'm good" I say, I sat talking with my friends on the way back
"Do you think next year will be normal?" Matt asks
"Not a chance."

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