Not Again.

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Warning Homophobic comments are made.

We made out way down to the great hall
"How many meeting's do you have today?" I ask Gellert
"To many,they go on until dinner time" Gellert tells me
"Well if you want to talk,I am just a thought away" I reassure him
"I know" Gellert gives me a quick kiss before walking into the great hall, I wait a few moments and walk in.
I wasn't even halfway along the Slytherin table when Matt and David came running at me
"Chaz" they both shout happy,before engulfing me in a hug.

"Nice to see you guys,but ease up on the grip" I tell them,the guys let go
"Might I say lass they you look great" David says
"Thank you" I say
"Yeah your out of hospital faster then I expected" Matt says
"Well I had a excellent Doctor" I say
"Yes Madame Pomfrey is really good" David adds
"Not who I ment" I say,carefully sitting down.It wasn't long before the rest of my friends came over to see me and ask how I am doing.

After I had eaten breakfast,me and Matt made our way down to the quidditch pitch
"Today's practice will be longer than normal to give the team chance to get used to you playing along side them" I tell Matt
"I can't believe you asked me to be a chaser on the main team and not a reserve" Matt says
"Your the best of the three,I trust you to get our team to victory over Ravenclaw" I say.
"Thanks Chaz,I won't let you down" Matt says.

Since I'm not really doing anything,I decided to stay in my own clothes and watched from the stands
"Princess talk to me,I'm board" Gellert says in my head
"I'm not exactly having that much fun" I say
"But you're outsider" Gellert tells me
"I know but it isn't long until dinner and then you are free this afternoon, so we can spend time together" I say
"The afternoon can't come quick enough".

After practice is done I make sure the team are prepared for the next match,me and Matt made our way back up to the castle when Jamie Walsh marched over to us
"How dare you not pick me for the team"
"Well its quiet simple Walsh,Matt is the better player and is not afraid to do his job" I tell him.

"That is not the point,everyone knows I'm the best chaser of the three of us" he says,but Jamie didn't let up he kept on at me as we arrived in the entrance hall.Students who are making there way into lunch stand and watch
"Why did you pick this gay twat over me?" Jamie spits at Matt
"Hold up what has Matt's sexuality got to do with him being on the team" I say"And that sort of language is why I didn't pick you for the team,you have no respect for your team mates"I say.

"This is all your fault fag" Jamie snarls
"Enough, you are off the team altogether. Hand in your robes to Madame Hooch and 50 points from Slytherin,for such vile language" I say,turning around to head into dinner
"No one talks to me like that" Jamie says,I didn't have time to register his threat as I am hit in the back with a spell and go crashing into a wall.

Matt tackles Jamie to the floor and some students who where watching went for help.My back is metaphorically killing me and my left shoulder is numb
"Chaz are you alright?" Matt asks
"No" I say,I hear footsteps approach and someone crouched beside me.

"Chaz what happened" asks my very worried boyfriend
"Jamie Walsh attacked me because I kicked him off the team,he was being homophobic to Matt" I say
"Mr Smith let up Mr Walsh" The voice of Albus says
"What happened here?" I hear a female voice ask,which I think is Tina Scamander.

"What hurts princess?" Gellert asks me quietly
"My back is metaphorically killing me and I cant feel my left shoulder" I say
"Its her fault,she started it" Jamie says,Gellert grabs his wand but before he does something that will get him into loads of trouble,I grab ahold of his arm-Gellert looks at me
"He is not worth going to jail over" I tell him,Gellert puts his wand back
"Professor Grindelwald take Miss Black to the hospital wing" Albus says
"Gladly" Gellert carefully picked me up,and with a death glare straight at Jamie,he disaperated straight to the hospital.

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