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Night time soon arrived and me and Gellert are patrolling the corridor's, one of the bits I love about night patrolling is sneaking up on students that are out of bed after hours
"So are you going to give me a hint at what you have got me for Christmas?" I ask the platinum blonde beside me
"No" Gellert says
"Why?" I whine
"Because it is ment to be a secret" Gellert tells me
"Please" I pout.

Gellert stops walking and turns to me
"Look young lady,you will find out soon enough"
"Wow the way you said " young lady "sounds so hot" I say
"I know" Gellert says pulling me closer"Its just a reminder that I have plenty of experience "
"In what?" I ask,Gellert starts trailing kisses down my neck
"Lots of things" Gellert says,in between kisses.

"Don't we have...a job to do?" I ask breathless
"It can wait"Gellert says,before kissing me.Only after a few moments of kissing I hear foot steps close by,I break the kiss
"What's the matter?" Gellert asks
"Listen" we listen and hear footsteps.We move closer to the sound,we come to the corner and look around and see two people. One is taller than the other,they whisper to each other before going separate ways.

"Let's spilt up" Gellert says
"What?Why? I thought we are so happy" I say
"Not that split up" Gellert tells me
"Oh right" I say sheepishly "Don't get court"
"I can become invisible" Gellert smirks
"Dude that's awesome" I say,we go separate ways.Gellert invisible and me as Wolife,I followed the person's scent and found them putting something on a door.

I followed them for sometime,they where repeating the action, eventually we met back up
"Gellert are you hear?" I ask in my head
"Yes princess" came the replie,the people talk for a few minutes before leaving and heading down towards the entrance hall.I see Gellert become visible again and I turn back,we watch and see Albus Dumbledore and Draco Malfoy step into the light.

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now