Found out.

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After the previous days accident, I had trouble sleeping and not because I was awake to long.It was my shoulder that kept me awake.As I am brushing my hair with my left arm,I noticed something on my right shoulder
"Is that what I think it is?" I say out loud,because I am in a vest top I could clearly see my shoulders"Oh for crying out loud,Gellert Grindelwald get your ass here now" I say,a second later there is a crack and Gellert is in my dorm.

"You belowed,Princess" he says
"Don't princess me" I say"What do you call this?"I say,indicating my shoulder
"What,don't you know what that is?" Gellert mocks
"Of course I know what it is Gellert,but did you really have to leave so many hickies on me?" I ask
"No,but I couldn't help my self.Anyway its your fault,you kissed me first" Gellert defended
"You were going to hex a student,how did I not notice this sooner".

"Its not my fault I'm such a good kisser,that you never notice"
"Your so infuriating" I say as I throw a pillow at him
"How about I make it up to you,princess" Gellert suggests
"How?" I ask
"I can heal your shoulder better" Gellert says approaching me,he places his hand carefully on my shoulder, I felt my whole shoulder warm up and then the pain was gone.

"How did you do that?" I ask,now able to move my right arm better
"I'm good at loads of things" Gellert smirks,I turn and examined my shoulder in the mirror but see that the hickes where still there
"Oi,you where ment to got rid of these" I say,turning back around
"That wasn't what I said" Gellert tells me,and then dissaparates
"He is so annoying" I think
"Don't you mean so good looking" Gellert replied

Time skip

After lunch me,Matt and David all had a free lesson,so we went to the library to do some homework. David got up to look for a book,whilst I took off my jumper and tie and undid the top two buttons on my shirt,the library is very warm
"Matt do me a favor,could you put my necklace back on" I ask,the necklace is a paw print.Just as Matt put the necklace on he said
"Chaz,what's that on your neck?"
"Nothing" I say
"Is that hickies?" Matt ask,trying to get a better look
"No" I say moving away
"Yes they are" Matt says"Do you have a boyfriend? "
"Yes,nosey" I say.

"But I thought you fancy Grindelwald... Wait is your boyfriend Grindl..." Matt begins but I hastily cover his mouth
"Yes if you must know,Gellert is my boyfriend and yes he gave me these hickies" I say
"Oh my god,my O.T.P is happening" Matt says happily
"Yes but keep it to your self" I tell him"And what is an O.T.P"
"One true pair" Matt replies"Now I need a ship name"
"Ship name?" I ask confused"You mean like the QE2 or the Black Pearl?"
"No, not that type of ship"
"Your so confusing".

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now